Kirkstone Pass Today

Went for a trip out to the Lake District with JohnO (S2 Exige) & Chris (111R) today, & took a couple pics:




Nice, & not too far from me. If you’re planning another sometime post some details, I could join up.

Which way over Kirkstone did you go, or was it a return trip?


It says coaches only!

Nice day for it, no real need to take your insurance broker!

Car looks great, you had a respray?


Nice, & not too far from me. If you’re planning another sometime post some details, I could join up.

Which way over Kirkstone did you go, or was it a return trip?


Hi Tim

We went from the Ambleside end, right thro to Patterdale/Ullswater & then joined M6 at Penrith. Really enjoyed it - first time out in the Exige since before Christmas, excellent lunch at the Wheatsheaf in Beetham (nr Milnthorpe), then on to Windermere via Crook, before arriving in Ambleside.

Send me a PM with your mobile no. so we can meet up next time

Car looks great, you had a respray?

Ta - no, it’s still stonechipped to buggery

Looks like you got a new camera from Father Christmas! Nice pics.

Be good to join too if you come up this way again Rob.

It says coaches only!

It might have said slow coaches only

Steve B - agreed. Will post on here next time.

Steve G - again, agreed - that’s why we parked there

~It has always amazed me how Pesky’s Exige looks longer and lower than any other … its very photogenic

~It has always amazed me how Pesky’s Exige looks longer and lower than any other …

It’s not just my Exige either… I wish!

Yeah I think Pesky’s is the only car that those side pods really look good on as well. Some other cars I have seen them on they do look like a bit of an after thought, but they really look like they grew there on yours matey.

~It has always amazed me how Pesky’s Exige looks longer and lower than any other … its very photogenic

I think its helped by:

  • silver stripes - draw the vehicle out making it appear narrower
  • exiges screen sticker - is very deep and lowers the windscreen height
  • black stickers behind the side windows - elongates the side of the car

Picking up on Seans point I think the side pods are also balanced by the black stickers behind the side windows

I’m not sure what the silver wheels do - but they look good!

~It has always amazed me how Pesky’s Exige looks longer and lower than any other … its very photogenic

If the driver is short and fat, the car is bound to look longer and lower…

Love the stripe on the S2. It looks awesome!

Yeah I think Pesky’s is the only car that those side pods really look good on as well. Some other cars I have seen them on they do look like a bit of an after thought, but they really look like they grew there on yours matey.

I think the black vinyl areas (round the filler cap) make a big difference and make the scoops look more subtle - I’m am having the local vinyl man do mine in the spring (assuming Mr P’s is vinyl of course!!!)

Knob alert - just read Steves post properly after posting above - great minds think alike then!!!

(assuming Mr P’s is vinyl of course!!!)

I think Pesky’s fetish for vinyl has been documented enough in numerous other posts thank you.
John [image][/image]

Happy days

…I can see my tent in that picture… It’s the small one which only lithe and fit people can get into easily. Me, I find it very difficult…

83man, do you remember 2002, when Vinyl Veronique was your “bit on the side”? That was before Jaycee smooth talked her into his tent in 2005 with promises of diesel (& plantains) on tap - see below
