King K enigne

[quote] If i want to specualte on the nature of your relationship with anybody then I will, if you don’t like it then tough]

why would u if u want to know then why not ask? why be offensive this site is not about this… i for one would put this thread and u in the muppet section

If i want to specualte on the nature of your relationship with anybody then I will, if you don’t like it then tough]
why would u if u want to know then why not ask? why be offensive this site is not about this… i for one would put this thread and u in the muppet section

"Sadly the last guy in Oz to give Simon/kinky_k any cash (well over two years ago) is still waiting for an engine so really Dave should perhaps keep his wallet in his pocket until something might actually be ready for supply. "

And as Ang has admitted he still has no engine - very little speculation in my orignal post then. Note - no speculation about how long he wanted to wait, how much he has already paid, just pointing out if Dave wants a King_K special in Oz thee is a potentially long wait.

Strangly he them jumps on the thread in an aggresive manner then backs off when he realises that the method he utilised is likely to result in, his, tears. The usual story, those that can, do, those that can’t talk about it.

not knocking u for pointing out the delays i’m sure we would all want to know before parting with a large wad of cash

what you are speculating about is what i paid and under what provisos and conditions…i have always been aware of the delays involved and the reasons for them, and in fact this was well detailed before i commissioned the engine. so this in response to russc…yes i always knew the timeline would be extended from the beginning (less than 2 years ago but close enough to 2 to call it tha) i am satisfied with this and satisfied to wait…see, it’s easy…the wait is not a problem for me as you suggest…if it is not for me, then it really doesn’t need to be an issue for anyone else. my only mandate to SE was that he build the best 2.0L he could.

as i have posted before in response to this; if the engine is not what has been promised, then i will gladly post it up for all to see. i have no agenda here, nor do i have any commercial interest in its success or failure at stake. this has always been a “project” to see IF it could be done…the waiting is not an issue for there any other way for me to explain this so that you can comprehend it?

OK I don’t usually get involved in all of this BS but for one second have you considered the reason why all of the people who are waiting for engines aren’t moaning about it??? It’s becuse we all know the full story, are all in regular contact with Simon and are heppy with whay we have been told.

Simons ability to build and deliver an engine quickly should not be in question. When my standard VHPD broke the crank at an Oulton Park test day, Simon called me and offered me an engine free of charge and he provided it to me in 10 days!!

I’m not trying to stick up for Simon, nor do I want to be labelled as being in the “King K” camp, I am merely stating the facts!!!



At least that is now clear… and you confirm pretty much what Johnboy was saying, semantics and speculation aside.

Whereas the wait might not be a problem for you it is probably reasonable to assume that it just might be for others. They are probably grown-up and can make their own decisions once the facts are laid out.


i’m glad u have the money and time for the perfect engine (and thats not ment as a dig!) i wish i could
the one weak link with the exige is its engine and i dont mean how fragile the k is suppose to be or not depending on what u listen to …it just graves and can handle so much more power!!


At least that is now clear… and you confirm pretty much what Johnboy was saying, semantics and speculation aside.

Whereas the wait might not be a problem for you it is probably reasonable to assume that it just might be for others. They are probably grown-up and can make their own decisions once the facts are laid out.


dave i completely agree. certainly if i NEEDED the engine in a hurry, I would be tearing what’s left of my hair out. this is exactly my point however: i have been used on this and past threads as an example of someone who is discontent with the situation. although it is frustrating, and I, like all others am curious to see if the numbers will stack up, the rules of engagement with SE have not changed from day 1. as Uldis has correctly stated; i have not heard of anyone who has commisioned an engine from him complain…yet. all the rhetoric aside, let’s just see what happens…i have made this point equally clear to SE himself…“let the numbers do the talking, however long it takes…everything else is really a waste of time…for everybody”

Johnboy may think he knows how much money i’ve handed over, when, and what the promised delivery time is. he doesn’t…simple as that

To be fair to Johnboy, he hasn’t actually mentioned or speculated about how much cash has been handed over.

He may think he knows, but assuming that is more speculation I suppose.

As you say, waiting is what you will be doing, for some the rhetoric and the reality seem to be poles/years apart.

Simon wastes no time in speculating about what others are doing / have done often based on misinformation or just plain made up information so we shouldn’t really be too surprised if the biter is bitten.

Occasionally the innocent will be sideswiped by some of the flak.

I’m sure that if you and Johnboy had communicated under different circumstances then there probably would have been no conflict.

I wish you luck with your endeavours and hope the promised engine materialises and lives up to your expectations of it.


point taken about the specifics Dave…but the intonation of johnboy’s post was self-evident “sadly…wad of cash…still waiting…”

i have reacted to this because as i have stated, this same type of post was made about me a little while ago, posted here and on seloc, and consisited of utter fabrications. i may be naive or gullible in the eyes of some, which is fair enough…SE is not to everyone’s palate; but, i have not entered the debates and don’t appreciate being embroiled in them.

as for the innocent being sideswiped, they still have the right to get up and shoot back…if the attack’s levelled againt SE, it should be restricted to him. i still believe johnboy is out of line to refer to me without knowing the details of my engine agreement…and it went pear-shaped from there because i articulated my objection.

in any case, this whole thread has been a cynical exercise from the onset and we will continue to go around in circles by adding to it further…muppet it please mr admin???

Simons ability to build and deliver an engine quickly should not be in question.

Taken in isolation I completely agree but I think in this case it’s important that the engines are produced and widely acknowledged because the issues discussed are directly and adversely implicating other operations and individuals. If it were just a case of someone promising to build a high powered reliable engine without discussing others then I would completely agree with you.

Wow, I’ve been off line for a week while moving house and you guys have trashed my thread. Angelo, I did not start this thread to “bash” Simon Erland. I would love to get hold of a King K engined Exige to do the direct comparison with my car and provide some clear factual data…I have had no response for Simon Erland unfortunately.