KH Thur 15th July 2004

Guys… its time to pay the reaper

We’ve talked about bringing you to Scotland this summer and i’m really keen (excited even) to do something with you… ooer… many of you have said 'yes you’de love to do Knockhill so…

J5 BaT needs your support as follows:

I’ve spoken to Ian Forrest and he’s offered me Thursday 15th July 2004. I requested that day because it gives us (BookaTrack) the Friday to get back down to Croft and make a sort of “northern double header” of it - hopefully attracing some southern jessies with the temptation of both tracks in one trip. (Croft is Sat 17th July).

I think we’ll need 48 cars minimum and no matter what I do I can’t get the figures below �180 for a full day open pit lane.

If I can get some commitment ASAP then hopefully we can book the circuit and get moving on this.

I guess the ball’s in your court now guys. I think I can get 20 ish from the south to make the trip up - leaving 30 ish to find from scotland.



Please say you can do it… even better will be if some/all of you could do a 2-day stint and we can go ‘fishin’ in the wild excesses of the Scottish Highlands mmmmm the smell of malt grains… smashing…

Yep, it’s happenning !

Good thing that Bookatrack got interested, in fact Johnny’s coming ooop here with the Erise this weekend for the SIDC trackday.

This should be posted sometime later in Seloc as well, so book as soon as the details are on Bookatrack. We expect a swarm of southerners with nice cars in Scotland

We intend to arrange a complementary drive through the Scottish tarmac interconnection system on Friday, so be ready for a long weekend


Looks very doubtful that I’ll be able to make it - off to Le Mans the following week for 7 days. Work, & severe lack of “brownie points” will mean that I will be “grounded”

Put me down as a yes - but I need some Brownie points as well so some good places to visit and a place to leave the trailer would win that argument

Think about Croft as well

Seeing what I can sort out. Watch this space.



A place for the discotrailer will be easy to arrange - I reckon we could come up with multiple options there depending on the second part… “good places to visit” – these are many and we can tailor to suit what everyone wants to do.

If you could post up the sort of things you would like to do up here - Uldis and me will sort out a route-structure plan thingy based on everyones wishes.

Then we’ll come up with somewhere to dump yer trailer (like the clyde - cause they’re for whimps… )

I would just have to come, I guess, and would also need a trailer park…

Unless my new engine is being fitted then…

Unless my new engine is being fitted then…

Explain yourself Mr Lane…

I am going the 1.8 turbo route with Bernard Scouse…

You will be able to see this engine in action in one of the cars in the Mid enginened road sports series, running a reputed 375 bhp…

I’ll probably go for something between 300 and 350, not being greedy, subject to any reliability lessons learned from the racing…

[color:“blue”] Anyone want to make an offer for my very quick 213.5 BHP Dave Andrews prepared K series ???[/color]

You have seen the thread started by my mate Steve (maggsy) who lives just about next door to me…

Steve has just bought an old elise for conversion after being persuaded by me !!

He also found a very late model seat leon cupra R and has bought the engine and gearbox - hence the ‘hoist’ thread.

I am looking for a similar engine, so if anyone has any contacts, I would be very grateful !!

ahhh right - didn’t realise that you wanted to do the same thing !
So, how much weight does the front need to balance it all out then ?

Count me in Rox. Don’t think there would be too much problem getting the full 48 attendess, especially once some of the regular Knockhill guys are made aware of the day. I’d be up for Croft aswell.

Mike, that’s shocking!

You’re going to adulterate your very pure Exige with a… VW engine?

And what if I still overtake you at the track?

I would just have to come, I guess, and would also need a trailer park…

Unless my new engine is being fitted then…


I’m sure there is plenty room in the Clyde next to Andy’s trailer… its very accomodating

And… i’m amazed your still on the pusuit of power heh heh… good luck… it would be great to see it at KH…


we just need to keep out eye on BaT…

I’m up for it, when do we have to pay?

Mike, that’s shocking!

You’re going to adulterate your very pure Exige with a… VW engine?

And what if I still overtake you at the track?

Then you’ll have a VW engine as well !!!

ahhh right - didn’t realise that you wanted to do the same thing !
So, how much weight does the front need to balance it all out then ?

I have been out in Bernard’s development car, and it handles very well indeed - after all most of the weight is more or less in the centre of the car anyway…

after all most of the weight is more or less in the centre of the car anyway…

Too many pies, Uncle Mike

Yum Yum

Uldis there’s a nice pic of you in action at KH last Saturday. Dave took them, oh and there’s some of me there too. Go to see it.