K- Series HGF


at least 4 cars (Civic TypeR, Noble, Alfa & BMW) found out!!! [/quote]

I thought I heard someone say that a Porsche was involved with the Noble off…although i didn’t see either of them…I was only just behind the alfa when he lost it up clay hill just as you reach the rise under the bridge, a combination of the rise, wet surface and many leaves according to the driver - the fireball under his car as it went backwards over the kerb was quite spectacular…I think it must have knocked a hole in the sump and oil went onto the manifold.

There was standing water on the apex at old hall and the turn in to cascades, a very greasy exit to foulstons which meant no one could get any power down at the start of hill top, absolutely no grip in the braking zone to knickbrook (had to drive straight through once), druids was totally obscured by leaves (didn’t know whether to drive through or stop and collect conkers) and slippy on the exit…and lodge was just plain scary at anything over 40mph.

Even when parts of the track appeared to day out the grip did not seem to come back to the levels expected - having driven the circuit in the dry in august it was surprising how different it felt.