Javelin trackdays....very unhappy with them

I’m writing to say how dissapointed I was with Javelin track days noise testing procedure and general attitude.

As is normal at these events the cars are sound checked. My Exige has never been above 104db, and when I was tested it was said to have been 107.5bd . As I understand the decibel scale to be non linear these results are even more disturbing. The gentleman who tested my car said that the limit was 104db and that I could not run until I had sorted it out. Ok I though, so I drove into the paddock, sat and chatted to my brother for a few mins and then drove back to get tested again, and I passed, with no modification whatsoever. But wait it gets worse.

My brother has a TVR, which ws tested at 111db, so he came back to the van and fashioned some deflectors from sheet metal, this came out at 105.4db, but he was not allowed to run, as the maximum was 105db, so we made some baffles, we got tested again at 113db??? WTF! So we removed the baffles and got tested again and it came out at, I kid you not 120db, with the same arrangement as got 105.4db. We were about to pop into York to find something else that might help, but they then told us that they had tested us 3 times, and they would not test us again and that our �95 was forfeit.

My problem with Javelin is that they have no consistancy with their results, and based on their inconsistancy they robbed us of �95, and then told us that we had failed the 3 tests and that was that. It was not as if the bloke was rushed off his feet and did not have time to re-test us as he was chatting for the rest of the day.

Then as the circuit dried out, all exhaust noise was drowned out by the tyre squeel anyway. When I confronted them about this, and why they did not do drive by testing as this noie was cleary louder than exhaust noise, they said they did, then went back to drinking tea. We also asked them what was going to happen in 3 weeks when the TVR club day was running, are any cars going to be able to run? They grunted in reply “they know the rules” and proceeded to tell us how easy it was to get your car tested for decibel levels before you arrive…is it?

I believe a number of cars were sent home at the begining of the day due to noise. I also understand that local residents do not want noise ruining their weekends and that track organisers have to carefull. It was simply their inconsistancy and “can not” instead of “can do” attitude when it came to re-tests and assistance. I must ask myself if they would have this attitude if they tested you and banned you BEFORE they take your money?

I have been happy with Javelin in the past and now see them in a different light.Remember also that even if your car is under their levels it might not be when they test it, and you might be going home �95 lighter.



This problem will become incredibly prevalent within motor racing in the immediate future too. The problems at Castle Combe have caused nationwide change to the noise regs at UK circuits. We were tested in the Britcar before every session at Oulton the other week and we have never once been tested before. We recorded 98db on the test day then 104db before the race� WTF!!! Trouble is these tests are nowhere near scientific and there are far far to many outside variables for them to be anywhere near reliable. Its not fair on the competitors at race day or the participants at track days and changes need to be made immediately. Also, to all those who have bought a house next to a race track then complained about the noise� GET [censored]!!

Sorry to hear of your poor experiences… I had the same with (sl)easytrack… If you find a good organiser, stick with it !!

I won’t use anyone other than BookaTrack

Stopped off at Elvington on Saturday - we couldn’t believe the cars they were turning away because of decibel reading - one refused car seemed no louder than a sewing machine…

Crikey Elvington is an airfield - do complainers expect it to be a quiet, rural backwater… Same old story the minority spoil it for the vast majority…

There’s an excellent article by Jonny5 of Bookatrack in this month’s Circuit Driver mag. It would be helpful if Jonny could/would post it up here.

Bottom line is that “noise” is going to be an increasingly important issue, & we’re all going to have to comply.

However, Soggy’s experience highlights another major potential problem - lack of consistent testing - hells bells, it can’t be that difficult can it?

Noise is a huge problem…

As a track day participant and race and track day organiser I am sympathetic to both points of view. I reproduce, below, an article which I put together for the VSCC newsletter. It isn’t very clever, consisting as it does of mainly quotes from the MSA Blue Book, and it’s only one point of view and is aimed at those who compete in old cars but you may learn something from it…

Noise is a major environmental issue affecting all motor sport disciplines. VSCC competitors need to understand the impact of noise on those who only tolerate our sport. Whilst it may be argued that noise is part of the character of the car and that a silencer free exhaust system is a significant contributor to performance, the argument is one which will no longer gain exemption. More and more establishments, both regulatory bodies and venue owners, are imposing noise limits which we ignore at our peril. The next step will a total ban on motor sport or even on old cars generally because we have failed to take heed of the environmental issue which is noise. Below are listed (unexpurgated) extracts from �Section �E�, Common Regulations� for Competitors of the Motor Sports Association Yearbook (�The Blue Book�) which are often referred to in the Supplementary Regulations for events issued by the Club�s Competitions Department. It would serve you well to read them carefully. All competitors must understand the requirements for silencing and comply with instructions as issued either in the Blue Book, Supplementary Regulations or Competitors Instructions. The penalty for failure is exclusion from the event, often resulting in a non-start.

12.17. Silencing.
The reason for Silencing (SOUND CONTROL)
is to reduce environmental impact and to keep Motor Sport running. Recent Environmental Protection legislation has increased the pressure on activities generating noise and Local Authorities have the power to suppress any noise source deemed to be causing a nuisance. Our system of control is acceptable to most Environmental Bodies and must be considered as part of eligibility to compete in events.
All competing vehicles are subject to mandatory silencing, unless a specific waiver for that Class, or Formula is granted. Where specified as mandatory, a silencer must be used, irrespective of the exhaust sound generated without it.
Vehicles which comply with the Technical Regulations of FIA Formulae and Championships set out in the current FIA Yearbook and other FIA approved Championships, Series and Cups which are participating in races for such Formulae, Championships, Series and Cups at meetings which have been entered on the FIA International Calendar are exempt from MSA sound test requirements but must comply with the sound test requirements set out in the appropriate Formulae, Championship, Series or Cup Regulations.
Silencing is not mandatory for the following categories of vehicle but is strongly recommended, and may be made mandatory in the SRs at the request of the Circuit/Venue owners:
_ All cars of periods A to D. (This does not include events any part of which takes place on the Public Highway where national laws will apply.)
_ Formula 1 and other single seater racing cars of periods E and F
_ Drag race vehicles.
For British Formula Three and British GT Championships the sound test shall be conducted
as set out within these regulations but with the meter located at 45� to 3.0m distant from the exhaust with a maximum permitted sound level of 110dB(A). Special regulations will apply for British F3000 and the British F3 Championships.
Temporary Silencers, by-pass pipes or the inclusion of temporary parts to achieve silencing requirements are prohibited. Officials may refuse to carry out Sound Checks on vehicles utilising temporary parts in exhaust systems. Organisers are empowered to exclude in such situations.
Sound levels may be reduced following changes in EU Regulations.
Circuit/venue owners/organisers may impose additional restrictions in SRs.
Sound Test Requirements. Measurements will be made at 0.5m from the end of the exhaust pipe with the microphone at exhaust outlet level at an angle of 45� with the exhaust outlet. Where more than one exhaust outlet is present, the test will be repeated for each exhaust and the highest reading will be used. In circumstances where the exhaust outlet is not immediately accessible, the test may be conducted at 2.0m from the centre line of the vehicle at 90� to the center line of the vehicle, with the microphone 1.2m above the ground. Measurements should be made outdoors with no large reflecting objects (e.g. walls etc.) within 3.0m (in the 0.5m test) or within 10.0m (in the 2.0m test). Background sound levels should be at least 10dB(A) below the measured level. With distances from 2.0m to 8.0m it is necessary that there be a minimum of 20.0m radius open flat space around the vehicle. Where possible measurements should be taken as close as possible to the vehicle, at the defined distances, to avoid background noise. Generally it is impracticable to take measurements over 8.0m as the background noises create problems with accurate and steady readings. Cars of periods A to D falling within Sections C and D should run engines at two thirds maximum RPM. The 8m location of the microphone, for practical purposes, can be considered to be 7m from saloon car bodywork. This measurement can be made from either side of the car. The highest reading registered being the one needing to comply with the maximum noise requirements.
Sound testing should be carried out BEFORE taking part in any competition. The time and location of sound testing should be advised to competitors prior to the event.
It is stressed that all participants in motor sport, competitors, officials, marshals, etc., should be aware of, and protect themselves from, noise.

You will, no doubt, have noted that vehicles of periods A � D are often exempted from the regulations. The Blue Book describes period defined vehicles as follows (it should be noted that the Blue Book definition of PVT is not the same as that used for eligibility within the VSCC):

Period Defined Vehicles (Non Rally)
A � (Veteran) Cars built before 1/1/1905.
B � (Edwardian) Cars built between 1/1/1905 and 31/12/1918.
C � (Vintage) Cars built between 1/1/1919 and 31/12 1930.
D � (Post Vintage Thoroughbred) Cars built between 1/1/1931 and 31/12/1946.
E � Cars built between 1/1/1947 and 31/12/1961. (up to 31/12/1960 for single seater and two seater racing cars).
F � Cars built between 1/1/1962 and 31/12/1965 (from 1/1/1961 for single seater and two seater racing cars and up to 31/12/1966 for Formula 2).
G � Cars built between 1/1/1966 (1/1/1964 for Formula 3) and 31/12/1971 which are no longer eligible for current competition.
H � Cars built between 1/1/1972 and 31/12/1976 which are no longer eligible for current competition.

Period Defined Vehicles (Rally)
Historic � Cars first registered before 1/1/1968 which comply with K 22.14 or K 37.10.1.
Post Historic � Cars first registered between 1/1/1968 and 31/12/1974 which comply with K 22.15 or K 37.10.2.

The following additional rules will be found in the Rallying section (K) of the Blue Book:

  1. Sound Testing
    Before the start of a competition the cars of all Competitors, and Officials who are expected to follow a substantial part of the route, must pass a sound test conducted by an Environmental Scrutineer, using a sound meter in the manner prescribed by the Technical Regulations [E 12.17, C 11, C 12, C 13]. This test will prohibit any car reading over 98dB(A) from starting, except for Special Stage Rallies, where a level of 100dB(A) is permitted, unless the SRs specify lower levels. (All measurements refer to the 0.5m test). [E 12.17.8.].
    For cars of periods A to D there is a waiver from the requirement to use a Sound Meter on daytime events. However, Driving Standards Observers for sound must be appointed.
    The organisers must make all the arrangements for a suitable site to be available and will ensure that adequate personnel are appointed.
    A further test of the sound created by Competitors and Course Cars must be made on the road sections, manned by a Driving Standards Observer and/or Judges [13.1, 13.2, 24.2.11(h). 24.2.12(a), C 12, C 13.] qualified to carry out their duties by experience. They shall have the authority to prevent the further participation of the car concerned until the car complies with the relevant regulations. [C 12.1]

Rally cars must always therefore be silenced in accordance with the Road Traffic Act no matter how old they are. It is worth noting that some cars were very close to being excluded from the Measham Rally 2005 � testing is mandatory to the levels at Section D in the table for night rallies (K5.1.1).

Most racing venues are allowed a certain number of �noisy� days and where this is so then cars of periods A � D may run un-silenced and VSCC race meetings usually follow this rule. Please note that periods A � D do not include certain VSCC invited categories. Other venues rarely have the luxury of truly �noisy� days and you should note the caveat at 12.17.6 and 12.17.7. Most venues insist on silencing and where this is so it will be clearly stated in the Supplementary Regulations.

As a general guide it is fair to say that the following will apply at VSCC meetings:
_ Race meetings � un-silenced for cars of periods A � D only but NOT cars of period E or later, e.g 50s Sports/Racing Cars
_ Testing/Track days/instruction days � usually silenced but sometimes �noisy�; see event regulations
_ Sprints/Hill Climbs � most venues insist on silencing: see the table for limits and note 12.17.1 and
_ Driving Tests � venue dependant but usually mandatory silencing
_ Events using the public highway i.e. Rallies, Trials, Tours etc � 12.17.3 applies as does K5

Measurements will usually be taken at the 0.5 metre distance. For many people the problem will be knowing just how loud their car is BEFORE they turn up at an event. There is no easy answer to this other than to get your hands on a test meter somehow or have the car formally tested. This may not be easy but try to find someone who has a test set. The RAC or AA may be able to help but, apparently, government test centres do not offer such a service. One thing is for sure � you WILL be tested at the start and maybe during an event where silencing is required.

All competitors (and officials!) are urged to heed the warnings about noise.

Whilst I am no exhaust or tuning expert I would have thought that it must be possible in this day and age to have an exhaust which is both tuned and quiet…(being the Devil’s advocate) Why do people insist on buying the noisiest exhaust they can and then complain when it isn’t quiet enough to do what they want to do with it…and I am well aware of the period cars argument

On the other hand, there is no doubt that noise is part of a fast car attraction and I know the the UK circuit owners asked the MSA to increase the noise limit on BTCC cars a couple of years ago to regain some of the spectacle - they didn’t and now the average BTCC grid has 14 cars…

Consistent measurement IS a problem as is getting a reliable (?) reading from any source other than a track day or race organiser. Noise is not part of the MoT test as such although noise output is covered by the RTA and you can commit a noise offence on the public highway…


Hey ho…

I can understand them wanting to keep the noise levels to an acceptable level, but the fact that they had such inconsistant results, and then used these to ban cars is unacceptable.

I have contacted Javelin with an email and will keep you all posted with it, and their response when/if it arrives.

Hi Mr S - Sorry I missed you but the weather was so pants I didn’t venture anywhere!

I bought a trackday siliencer for when I stop being too gay to have a go. It’s pig ugly thing but looks like it will do a job. I got it off a chap posting on here. I dont think they are much Sub �70 and just replace the oval end on a Janspeed (Lotus Motorsport) zaust.

I have to say we are living in an increasingly ‘clucking tank’ country. Whatever you think about hunting that just shows what can happen if we let it. My pops moved to Eire to get out of this crap and keep hunting.

It was the way they did it. If you are a white, taxpaying, healthy, unmarried hetrosexual man around 35 you are F@@ked and so, it seems, will be your passtimes.

Oh yeh and if you are in a minority - just rollover and take it in the ass (don’t forget to keep paying all that tax now - and those of us who are employers - we shall continue to get ‘double teamed’ by the same system.

While we are at it I am an Instructor teaching kids to fly on a weekend. Its voluntary and I think we are doing a bl@@dy good job and giving kids something useful and exciting to do instead of scratching and nicking our cars.

I have lost 2 - 3 long term girlf’s over putting the flying first!!!

As the airfield is in a lovely part of N Yorks it attracts lots of ‘comers in’ with money and influence. The airfield has been there since 1938 (I think) and this year we have had a restriction on the hours we can fly due to noise complaints. It is true that all those (braver than I will ever be by a factor of millions) Poles, Canadians, Yanks and Brits who flew from these airfields to protect our freedom but did they do it so we would end up persecuting minorities again - I dont think so!

Tell your TVR mates to take some action and don’t let em get away with what I can see is cr@p customer service.

Sorry for the rant but FFS my ass feels that bad from all this raping that I better go get some pampers!!!

Dear Sirs

I am writing to tell you how disappointed I was at your Elvington track day meeting on Saturday 13th August. The reason for this was due to the farcical noise testing taking place, resulting in totally inconsistent results which were then used to ban people from the event.
[Colin Jebson] We are not niave enough to think it is a good businees plan to deny people track access on our days. However in order that our days can continue then we must ensure that Elvington is tolerated by its neighbours. Therefore sensible noise limits are in place to ensure this happens. These are clearly shown on our website and pre- event paperwork.On this occasion it was Elvington doing the testing but I fully support their stance and standby their findings.

My own experience of the noise testing procedure was as follows. Roll up in a queue of 20 cars all revving their engines, with cars screeching past approx 50 meters away
[Colin Jebson] At no time would this have exceeded 105db I can assure you and one reason why we use the 0.5 metre test .

My car gave a reading of 107.5db, I thought this was strange as my car has never been tested above 104db. I was told by the tester that I had to do something with my car to make it quieter, so I drove back into the paddock, sat in the car for 2 minutes, then drove back to be tested again.
[Colin Jebson] I will not deny that this can happen due to car temperatures etc…
On being re-tested I had a reading presumably below 104db as I was allowed on circuit, but this was with NO ALTERATIONS. I noticed that other cars had been not allowed on circuit due to failing noise levels, and had gone home. As I was allowed on circuit I put this down to an anomaly of some sort.
[Colin Jebson] If they kept failing tests then they would be denied access until fixed. not sent home. All were given ample opportunity to fix the problem. You passed and were allowed access so where is the anomaly ?.
Unfortunately my brother was not so lucky. He was tested initially at 113db,
[Colin Jebson] Race limits for such a car are 105dB or Sprint is 108dB

and was given the opportunity of doing remedial work and fitted deflectors on the ends of the exhaust. This then gave a reading of 105.4db, which I believe was just above the required level. He then put some baffles into the pipes and got a reading of 111db.

Obviously this was puzzling for us, so we removed the baffles and put it back to the same modification that received 105.4db, this time upon retest it received a reading of 120bd. How can this be? Surely if your testing procedure was accurate, then the results received would have some level of consistency, but for a car to receive such different readings whilst in the same trim shows that something was very much amiss with the noise testing on the day.
[Colin Jebson] I saw your modification and can understand the different readings. In principle the idea was good and would have worked I think if it had been made more substantially and enclosed the sides too. As you were driving away from the test the nearisde flap was actually was bent upwards by the force of the exhaust on the flap. Resonance from this flap or even replacing the flap in a shightly different position from before could possibly account for the increased noise.

I have also been informed that the DoE have specific requirements for the test, and the outcome reading is significantly higher depending on the test conditions. This includes:

[Colin Jebson] Test are carried out in line with MSA Generel Regulation E12.7. The criteria you quote is in some cases inaccurate or used in the incorrect context. ( I have spent over �4 in the last 12 months having an Environmental report compiled for another vene and was until recently an Executive Committee member of the Associartion of Northern Car Clubs were such matters are discussed frequently)

  • Where is the test carried out? Over Tarmac or Concrete - concrete shouldn’t be used as it gives a false high reading - even more so if it is wet.
    [Colin Jebson] Never ever seen this before I would like to see it in writing. Needless to say all readings for all concerned were taken on the same surface.

  • Where was the reading taken. The reading should be taken at a height of no less than 1 meter and not in direct line of the exhaust exit. It should be to the side and the rear at a distance of no less than 3 meters.
    [Colin Jebson] See MSA General Regulation E12.7

  • What was the atmospheric pressure at the time - along with the relative humidity ?
    [Colin Jebson] The vehicle should be capable of passing the test under any UK atmotspheric conditions.

  • What are the levels of ambient noise.
    [Colin Jebson] Only relevant for longer distance readings. This is why we use the 0.5 testing distance. Less chance of corruption by outside influence.

  • When was the last time the equipment was calibrated - it must be serviced and calibrated by the DoE every 12 calendar months
    [Colin Jebson] Both meters used were calibrated that morning and tested alongside each other. There was on occassion a 0.5db discepancy between meters but that is well within allowable tolerances.
    Of course, all of the above must be logged if it is being recorded for DoE approval at an event, along with the tester’s name, time of readings, vehicle being checked, etc.
    [Colin Jebson] Testing is not for DoE requirements. Elvington Events do have a log.

How many of these criteria are met by your sound testing policy?
[Colin Jebson] I think I have answered your question on this. Ourselves and Elvington Events test in accordance with laid down and national accepted MSA testing procedures. Even council evironmental officers use this as an acceptable criteria. I have actually assisted them while they have carried out such tests.

I put to you that if there were such gross inconsistencies with the results and the methods used to obtain them,
[Colin Jebson] I Disagree
then you could not surely warrant making my brother and other drivers forfeit their �95 entry fee. For your information my brother’s details are Neil Stokes and he pre-registered for the event and paid his fee in full. He drove a TVR Cerbera.
[Colin Jebson] If he had read his instructins then he would have realised the cars noise would be a problem. He registered as an experienced track driver. He could have cancelled without finacial loss,we had drivers waiting for places.By attending with a car that did not meet acceptble and clearly defined limits he denied us the opportunity to investigate an alternative means of recouping the income that the place generates.

I look forward to hearing from you concerning these matters and would appreciate your consideration in refunding my brother’s entry fee.
[Colin Jebson] See above.
Kind regards

Andrew Stokes

I wonder if this was a deliberate typo???

‘shightly different position’

Looks like you had better toss a coin next time - I can’t see em getting away with pi$$ing of 20 odd Trevor Drivers

I think I’ll nip up - should be a good show!!!

FFS - I’m glad I got an Orange car now before our orwellian state decrees Silver will be the colour of our fart assited pedal vehicles - W@nkers - I’m proper tense now GRRRR

I attend alot of track days and also race a motorsport elise. My company utilises noise testing equipment to assess loudness of sirens for security purposes.Our meters are sent away annually to be calibrated to ensure accuracy. Frankly my experience is that noise testing at circuits is nothing short of a joke! They are often wildly inaccurate and whether that is deliberate policy or simply ineptitude on the part of the tester I reserve judgement.( strange that their inaccuracy always seems to be ‘overstating’ the dB output rather than the opposite!)

We take our own meter because the elise is pretty close to the 105 db static limit & needless to say I have had more than one argument with these testers as to the accuracy of their equipment.

I had done many track days with Javelin in the past and never ever been tested! I take it their policy or that of Elivington must have changed dramatically in recent months?

I have had another response, and it still fails to explain how a car can get reading of 105 and 120db in the same trim.

Explanation or not, we will get no refund.