I've just bought an Exige

Well an S2 Exige bodied 135R anyway. Just got to get shot of the K series in there and it’ll go as fast as it looks.

Anybody want to buy my Audi-Elise ?


Hi Bernard,

Was that the black one that was on ebay recently, it looked great?

Anyway, congratulations!

Good man, Bernard

looked a nice car, I was tempted with that for an engine swap.

I seen this too. Simply gorgeous!

Audi engine into 135 and K series back into Elise!!

Saw it as well and was tempted…good choice

Any details or your audi elise for sale?


thats sold already ( i think)

Yeah i believe it is. I spotted a post on Seloc yesterday saying that it had gone.

thats sold already ( i think)

It sold real quick, I will be sorry to see it go, had it for nearly 10 years


Bernard, you know of any owners currently sellign or considering selling, any colour and Series considered.


No, sorry, none I know of at the moment.


Any Christmas discounts availabale then, tis the season to be jolly and all that