I’m back from me hols and catching up with the board and yes me, Quo & Scuffers all have our birthdays tomorrow. I know who is the most excited though,…I am picking up my birthday present tomorrow (that I thoughtfully gave myself ) and I cannot wait! It is certainly going to be a great Bi[color:“red”]**R[/color]**thday
Happy Birthday , and I hope you enjoyed Italy. I figure we should probably wish you well today, as somehow I don�t think we�ll be seeing all that much of you tomorrow…
Car is absolutely fabulous and as Andy says like a new Exige,…but with Honda power, stonking brakes, nitrons and a whole host of other stuff. Got through nearly two tanks of gas hooning around yesterday laughing out loud like a madman the whole time ,…yes it really is that good
As a result I am absolutely knackered today with black hands (the dye leached off from my new suede steering wheel into my heavily sweating palms )
Will write something up and take some pics when I have time. Took my camera but forgot to take any pics as I was having too much fun…yes me,…forgot to take any pics
Huge huge thanks must go to the Edwards for their efforts, the attention to detail and quality of their work is simply amazing - the way my car goes is testament to their talents. Many thanks also to Andy for supply of bits and guidance on brakes (which have quietened down a bit after some,…ahem heavy use yesterday).
Can’t wait to park it proudly in the paddock on Saturday - the way it looks and sounds now the marshalls may inadvertently direct me into the assembly area
I’ll write up something more later on in the week.
Thanks again to Martin, Steve and Andy,…great job and what a birthday
Glad you like it mate Just dont get too carried away with it on the roads…remember the plods can take it all away from you if you are not carefull save the 8600rpm for the track.
Glad you like it mate Just dont get too carried away with it on the roads…remember the plods can take it all away from you if you are not carefull save the 8600rpm for the track.
Sorry I missed you yesterday and don’t worry I won’t go crazy, just had to have a little binge yesterday
Sounds ggod matey. Can’t wait to see it at the weekend!!
Are we allowed to raid it for parts if any of us have problems on race day??? I will clean all of my spanners, so I don’t get it dirty as we all raid it for nice new bits!!!
Bedford only allow 200 people on the day, so they say drivers and passengers only (although I’ve been visited by friends in the afternoon). They also say over 16 on site (but hey you may be by August Bank Holiday [Sean, that’s Monday 28th Aug, LoT. Steady on the noise there though]).
Unforuntaly im not going to make silverstone Sean, We had a handling problem on the car at snett and simon has now got the car in pieces trying to find it, I dont land back in the UK till friday morning and simon doesnt think he will have time to get the car ready, I may drive up and say hello if I dont fell to laggy.
Best of luck to everyone.