Ipod 5th head phones not working

Hey guys i know some on the forum are IT engineer etc so i thought id ask the wuestion

I have a 5th gen video 60GB ipod which i have had for quite a while the headphone worked fine but couple of weeks ago only sound out of one, then last week no sound out of headphones.

Now i have tried a num er of different headphones and resetting it. Its currently in a repair shop in hadleigh that tell me actually the hard drive could be on its way out? Would this sound normal or are they trying to oull a fast one?

The model is a1136


I don’t work with these but we do a lot of repairs on laboratory equipment that often has plug connections. The most common failures tend to be physical, so possibly the headphone socket has come unsoldered from the board. The solder pads themselves are tiny and, even though there are likely to be additional anchor pads (ie. soldered but not electrical), they don’t take much to pull away.

Unless you’ve tried already, plug a known good headphone set in and try applying gentle pressure either side of the socket area.

Other possibilities may be an issue with the way volume is controlled - as I say, I’m not an expert on these so can only suggest - but I would have thought impending hard drive failure would have shown itself with other symptoms, eg. other odd behaviour, not being able to retrieve data, etc.

As above, I have “fixed” a few just with a good hard blow of air in the headphone socket. When that failed I used a tiny amount of alcohol on a cotton bud with 95 pc of the cotton removed, just the plastic bit left. I found the how to videos on YouTube.

Engineers rock! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I would have used highly intricate & intellectually challanging CAD software to design a special knife with a built in laser beam generator to project a deep penetrating shaft of luminescence up the offending jacksie. Now who could argue against that demonstration of the practical utilisation of stratospheric IQ?

Me…as one of the educationally-impoverished, mechanically-inept imbeciles who (some say) inhabit this place!


Haha great comments. Ill get it back and give it a go worst case a nano is 80 quid

Do it yourself, cheap parts on eBay and instructions here

- YouTube