
I guess some of you may need to re-insure your cars soon, so you may be interested to see the quotes I’ve had for mine. Gives you an idea of which companies are competitive at the moment. I did a quick trawl of this site for recommendations, and I tried most of the popular options.

35 year old married bloke. Named driver only. No claims or convictions. Full, protected no-claims. Maximum voluntary excess. Car garaged.

Adrian Flux…�658
CCI/Eggar Lawson…�791
Esteem…Crap phone system. Didn’t get to speak to anybody
Autotorque…�830 ish (Took 5 calls over a 20 day period to get a quote )

Unfortunately, I’ve heard some bad reports about Adrian Flux recently, so I went with Elephant.


You may find it actually works out cheaper to include your missus as a named driver. Theory is that laydeez have fewer accidents, so if they’re driving, us blokes aren’t!

Damn Now you tell me

Oh well. Maybe next year.

…I went with Elephant.

Do they now cover trackdays?



Are those quotes for limited mileage?


…I went with Elephant.

Do they now cover trunkdays?


Sorry, no trackdays. As I don’t do many, I usually pay a one off fee for each event.

Not a limited mileage policy, but told them I’m likely to do about 8000 miles.

tescos were, bizarrely, best for me.

24yr old, full ncd, 10k miles a year, �400 excess

�788.55 fully comp with me as MAIN driver! hurrah!

Lots to be said for adding us girls:

37 male - 9 years NCD
29 female
No claims, convictions.
Unlimited mileage.
No trackday cover
�425 with Adrian Flux.

Maximum voluntary excess.

this is added to the compulsory one isn’t it? What level did you choose?

Was with Esteam for 2 years before they cancelled the track day cover and put the price up to �1200. Instantly changed to Elephant; and their policies have been getting cheaper over the last 3 years. Last year was �571.15 which included commuting to places of work, no claims protection and legal cover; (alas no track day insurance).

I can’t get any of the HBOS type cos. to give me a quote without a tracker? e.g Tesco, Privilege, Direct Line etc. They all seem to be underwritten by the same company.

Elephant = �1050
Autotorque = �998

So far Adrian Flux have come out tops with �920, but I don’t understand how everyone else can get �600-�700 ish…

Best I had was with Heritage for around 700 inclusive of euro track and breakdown insurance. Only down side is that its based on 6,000 miles - whhich to be honest is all im likely to do…


Best I had was with Heritage for around 700 inclusive of euro track and breakdown insurance. Only down side is that its based on 6,000 miles - whhich to be honest is all im likely to do…


That’s pretty good! You got their number handy?


Maximum voluntary excess.

this is added to the compulsory one isn’t it? What level did you choose?

I’m not sure, I went with the highest that each company offered. I think it was only �200 with Elephant.

I can’t get any of the HBOS type cos. to give me a quote without a tracker? e.g Tesco, Privilege, Direct Line etc. They all seem to be underwritten by the same company.

Elephant = �1050
Autotorque = �998

So far Adrian Flux have come out tops with �920, but I don’t understand how everyone else can get �600-�700 ish…

Maybe you should get a tracker. I’m sure it’ll save you money in the long run.

My g/f (5 yrs NCD, no points) was quoted 395 fully comp for the s1 exige with Diamond Insurance with me as named driver ( Full NCD, 3 sp points), no tracker needed. She has another car insured with them and they mirrored the NCD on the exige. Closest I could get was around 580 going through a broker.

I’m with Adrimal this year… and for a 240R, 6000 miles per year, living in a city but without commuting cover (work from home so not really an issue) it’s �600 per year. My old S2 Exige with then was only �390!!! Valued at �26K.

Used to try??

just got quoted �982 by adrian flux

25 yr old, 8yrs NCD, 10k a year

tracker not needed

500 excess

3rd party on other cars

tesco (current insurer) came back with �1400… something doesnt make sense!