hi, this is really aimed at all the people in their 20’s who own an exige. i was wondering which companies you are all all insured with and how much you are paying?
i will be getting my S2 in a few months when i turn 21 and the best quote iv had so far is �4400? i have no years no claims and 3 points (radiculas parking offence)
Thank you.

Last year I paid about �830 with adrian flux, just got my renual through and its gone UP to �880… will be shopping around again if they don’t drop it.

(im 25, full NCB, no points but have Honda engine which makes things tricky)

Like Randy I paid �780 last year with elephant which increased this year to �800 again with elephant, called most people but elephant were the cheapest. Although the cheeky gits did have the cheek to send me a �1300 renewal

I�m 25 full NCB, no points.

I just paid �540 - 28, 3 years NCB and wrote car off 3 years ago. Aberdeen postcode though. Thats with Admiral, usually change between Admiral and Elephant each year. They are supposedly the same company but tend to better each others quotes for some reason.

Found Elephant were reasonable too when it came to paying out.


Tesco �1400 23, 6 years no claims & no points.

Just got renewal quote from elephant for �1003…so I went online to elephant web-site typed in all the details and come up �795. So I called them and asked why have they sent me the quote for over a grand? They said sorry you can have it a �795…about bloody right! (27 with 4 years no claim, kept in Garage over night).