insurance on exige S

What are others paying? my renewal is �1200! I am pretty shocked but cant get it lower than that, I am with Heritage and have tried CCI and Autotorque.
I am 30, car is garaged, 7500 miles, not used for work, full no claims, no (touch wood) points.


�900 with Elephant, 27, full no claims (protected) driveway, with girlfriend on the policy, no points.

I am with AON, �745 per year, no track cover, kept in a garage 6000miles per year full no claims. Just done a search on and Admiral are offering �701, I am 32 though.

Try Richard Egger. Very competitive at the moment.

Mines on a combined policy with my Golf 1.8 daily driver, so maybe give a slightly distorted view.

Total of �830 for the two, Exige garaged and on 6k miles a year. Girlfriend also on both cars. Thats through Admiral.

I’m paying �695 for an 08 Exige S PP/TP, fully comp, 12000 miles, social and commuting with �600 excess and a clean license. 39YO with wife also as a named driver who has 3 points. It’s with Royal Sun Alliance through Adrian Flux.

I could have got it cheaper through Admiral, Direct Line etc only to find out that they would only insure for the base model in the case of an accident. Wouldn’t pay for PP or TP or AC or lightweight alloys even though they are factory fit. They were coming in at a couple of hundred quid cheaper.

Just had a play on elephant and found out my no fault accident is causing it to go up by �300! The reason I have this car is because a guy pulled out on me when I was in my elise and killed it, elephant quoted �1350 but �1050 if I did not declare my accident.
I cant believe its costing that much more for something that without turbo boost I could not avoid.

I cant believe its costing that much more for something that without turbo boost I could not avoid.

They are also aware of the shady characters you passenger around too, don’t forget!

I cant believe its costing that much more for something that without turbo boost I could not avoid.

They are also aware of the shady characters you passenger around too, don’t forget!

I have no idea what your talking about

Managed to get it down to �1076 with AON, with 5 free trackdays so not to bad I guess