Insurance for modd'ed Exige

Can anyone recommend a good (cheap!) insurance firm for a modded exige ?


Give Matt Taylor a ring: Henderson Taylor 0161 437 7442

Richard Eggar for me, cheaper than Admiral without mods :wink:

Richard Eggar. :sunglasses:

No hassel when you add a mod!

I’ll second that.

Any man that turns up on an trackday deserves business.

Good value, great service.

Ian :slight_smile:

Deja-vu :confused:

Lol yep Richard Eggar, speak to Mary.

Richard Eggar. Is there a website? or better still give Mary a ring on 0115 985 0165


CCi for me

Tesco was the cheapest price for me by over 1k!!! Katana charger and non standard exhaust. �900 and im only 26. Well chuffed with that! Haggle though! The first price they gave me was �1700



cci have really good customer service and were by far the cheapest for me. Also, places like Tesco dont cover track days (cci include 5 or 6 for free).