insurance chuckle

just renewed - �946 through Adrian Flux - not bad for a 25yr old, big benefit over Tesco is I get 3rd party cover for driving other cars… (bizarrely Tesco renewal quote was �1200 vs �750 for the policy last year!!!)

the chuckle: one of the conditions of the new policy is no passengers over 80 allowed to travel with me! risk of heart attack perhaps…

Just out of intrest, how the heck did u manage to get a exige at 25??? Oh well…as i say i’m never to young to dream

There are a few of us out there, ok so now I am old as I am 26 but I bought my Exige in my last month of being 24

Nath is 20 (got to be the youngest here ?), don�t you read your own posts lotus lad .

Then there�s that Canadian kid (18), don�t know if he got one in the end though.


Then there�s that Canadian kid (18), don�t know if he got one in the end though.

Not likely, as they aren’t sold in Canada.

worked hard, saved my pennies

thats about it >

I wouldn’t take that at face value. Canada had to wait a year longer for approval and still haven’t gotten an Exige. There’s been a few posts at elisetalk regarding the impossibility of bringing one into Canada. Nothing to prevent a resourceful dealer from replacing the clams and converting an Elise though.

And Lotus has already ended Exige shipments here for the year, even cancelling the last few that were ordered.

Lotus_mad_lad - where are you based - i’m sure someone on the board, in the vicinity, would take you out for a blip in their exige. Get it out of your system like.

I don�t think Exiges are something you can ever �get out of your system� to be fair. It�s something you feel, kind of burbling, idling away inside. It�s that feeling you get deep down in your chest when you see one glide by (or my case tear by � Randys car ); it�s the reason why cars make up such an important part of all our lives, it�s, well�love


im 21 with mine, didnt think you could get insured until you were 21? and even then, not many will touch you and the ones that do ask crazy amounts! which obviously i had to pay to own the car of my dreams!

I’m 40 and just renewed my insurance…AON wanted �617 but ended up getting it for �460 with Sainsbury…result.

I’m 24 and went with admiral… was around �1100 for just me but when I put my G/friend on the policy and it came down to �840ish!