Have been giving a good deal of thought to this and looking at various bits of kit that have been sourced to do the business. I particularly like the latest pencil cams with the almost unlimited mounting position this offers.
However, running the cables back to the recording unit always seemed a problem.
Don’t go that route I have that set up at home I thought about using it in the car but the signal fall out made it worthless its not up to the job sadly, but it is a neat lttle tool
I can also highly recommend the suction mount that Steve & Martin use - I bought one and it even holds my Betamax camcorder
Word of warning though … you still have to switch the camcorder on to have it record something
I think it is any interferance at all gets picked up and the picture degrades very quickly
I think it is more of a toy than anything but I will try and set it up next time I do A track day and give a better report and I will use my digital camera instead of the small one
Check out a product called SteadyMove, its a cheap plugin that runs under Adobe Premier/After Effects, and will stabilise any video source material, into a rather nice smooth shot, will take out vibration etc, but will soften some of the roll/yaw from the car…