please please tell me how to get an avatar up… ive tried everything and searched everywhere…i did have one but due to being a complete retard its vanished…
please please tell me how to get an avatar up… ive tried everything and searched everywhere…i did have one but due to being a complete retard its vanished…
Is it too big?
Are you a muppet of a man or a very manly muppet?
Size is the key - from memory it has to be quite small…
right, never been told its too big before, but im guessing this must be the case…
off to try and make it smaller…hopefully you will see the end results in a while…
thanks ade…
its taken a month longer than expected, but its done…
i am all muppet mr marra!!!
[quote=scatty]right, never been told its too big before, but im guessing this must be
the case…[/quote]
Pmsl !!