I'm a lucky boy (again!)

Nice motor Russ

Just be careful if you enter a Bugatti Owners Club sponsored race series

"Would love a ride in a properly driven 997 - do you have one Mr Bean? "
Er hum Whisper YES

With Blair and Brown around you just cant have too much fun…

Sorry for the crap quality folks…


dont be like that Russ it looks very nice indeed

or did you mean the photos???

Another top motor, nice one Russ

Er hum Whisper YES

Spill the beans then (pun intended ) - which model?

PS Fleetingly (ie 10 secs) saw a silver Cayman tonight at about 7pm - looked good

Sorry for the crap quality folks…

LOL… and so you bleedin well should be

Car looks flippin stunning (but then I knew that anyway )

BTW … how many of them wee bags of stones did you use to fill yer drive up

thats awesome Russ, Nice one matey

I see the colour is a lot more subtle, but I suppose a bright orange aston would look a bit odd

BTW … how many of them wee bags of stones did you use to fill yer drive up

Schhh… that’s not his drive - I reckon he was there nicking the pebbles, not delivering them. On second thoughts, I doubt that Russ would want to “tangle” with the owners

BTW … how many of them wee bags of stones did you use to fill yer drive up

Schhh… that’s not his drive - I reckon he was there nicking the pebbles, not delivering them. On second thoughts, I doubt that Russ would want to “tangle” with the owners

LOL… cheapskate AM/Lambo/Bentley/Lotus driving tinkie

BTW … is that an orgy in the back-ground

BTW … is that an orgy in the back-ground

Yes, and I started it

They maybe average pictures Russ but they show the lines well. I haven’t really fallen in the love with the shape until now.

I see the car got you excited enough to visit the occupants of a field!


I would always go for the more compact car in a manufacturers range, I just prefer them that way. … I love the look of the DB9, but cannot imagine hanging it out around Anglesey or Oulton, same with the Murci.

Ah, I didn’t realise you would be taking it on track. So yes, I suspect the AMV8 is a better proposition than the DB9 in that regard. The Gallardo would walk all over it on track though I suspect ?

But as you say, if it’s looks and image that are important then while it’s still a rare sight on our roads it’s certainly a good choice !

On-track movies please !

Russ, can you turn off the “Power, Beauty, Soul” message that comes up each time you turn the ignition ?

I am not sure, but I can find out. I have nearly puked on several occasions when that comes up!

If it makes you too queasy… I’ll take it off your hands for a while.

I’ll be over there at the back of the queue.

I’ll be over there at the back of the queue.

of sheep

Are you saying that people who want to drive an Aston AMV8 are all sheep ?..

Are you saying that people who want to drive an Aston AMV8 are all sheep ?..

Nope.Thought you meant you wanted to join in the orgy

What is it with you Northerners and having sex with anything other than women ?

What is it with you Northerners and having sex with anything other than women ?

the wooley B******S cant speak, tha noz! Heaven

And Russ - find out if you can edit it and put your own welcome message in there?

Mr Pesky - I left the gate wide open for you there (no not talking about sheep this time!)