Idle speed - AGAIN

My Exige (190 version) has finally been “seen to” again by my dealer rearding the idle speed dropping below 1000rpm every now and then.I now find that the idle starts off at about 2000 when cold then down to around 1500 for about 20 mins then to 1250 (where it should be), and then oddly going up to 1500 occasionally. Apparently there are no problems with any of the sensors…How does this compare with everyone else who has the 190?

Sorry… idles as solid as a rock [image][/image](190)

I was afraid you’d say that. Oh well back to the garage again - I’m getting fed up with this - why in the hell is it so difficult to get it right?!?!?!?!

Mine does this as well, but only occasionally, it always seems to right itself after a few seconds. I would think if it’s a problem then it’s in the ECU…

Just dropped it off at B&C, they have a 190 demo there and state that it also has this “feature”, they’re gonna start it from cold tomorrow morning and let me know…

I have just experienced this for the first time…never got it with the 177 but now I have the 190…it only lasted for a bit on start up until i got running and then didn’t come back again. Could it be anything to do with the fuelling on start up - its almost like the engine is being overfuelled and being flooded

er… David? Are you the odd one out then? I know that Lotus did alter the mapping on the 190 ecu at the time I bought mine (early Jan).

Mine has the 192 kit, and (when warm) the tickover is solid at 1250 rpm. It’s quite lumpy when cold though.

quote:Originally posted by X1GGE:er… David? Are you the odd one out then? I know that Lotus did alter the mapping on the 190 ecu at the time I bought mine (early Jan). It doesn’t matter to me now, as the car is with TurboTechnics today - woohoo !

Well I’m kind of happy with it now. It starts from cold sitting between 1500-2000, and idles around 1100-1250. Sorted. The whole rev range seems strangely smoother as well… [This message has been edited by X1GGE (edited 28 March 2001).]

quote:Originally posted by Admin5: It doesn’t matter to me now, as the car is with TurboTechnics today - woohoo !David, woohoo indeed!When do you get it back? AND when’s your first track day?

quote:Originally posted by Robert: David, woohoo indeed!When do you get it back? AND when’s your first track day?As it’s their first Exige, it’s going to take longer than normal. I’m expecting to see it again in 3-4 weeks time.First track day will undoubtably be at Donington (the only track I’ve driven on and therefore at home on).CCC (Cars + Car Conversion) Magazine will be coming along to do feature on the car too !Exact date is unknown.I’m also getting uniball rear toe-links fitted to handle the extra load that the slicks will place on the car.THEN we will have one hell of a track day car.

quote:Originally posted by Admin5: I’m also getting uniball rear toe-links fitted to handle the extra load that the slicks will place on the car.THEN we will have one hell of a track day car.Great that the car is in for its turbo David. I wonder were you found a set of slicks and how you are going to manage to get car to/from track and fit slicks etc ? I would like to have a go with slicks on a track, but the answer appears to be a car trailer ?

quote:Originally posted by Rod: Great that the car is in for its turbo David. I wonder were you found a set of slicks and how you are going to manage to get car to/from track and fit slicks etc ? I would like to have a go with slicks on a track, but the answer appears to be a car trailer ?Not a Turbo Rod, a SuperCharger [image][/image]The wheels are Speedline Corse magnesiums, shod in Elise Motorsport race slicks.Tyres Northants who attend the trackdays I go to have agreed to transport them to/from the track for me (as well as keeping a spare pair of pads with them). Top blokes.

quote:Originally posted by Admin5: THEN we will have one hell of a track day car.Nice [image][/image] Sounds like its going to be a stunning motor. (As if it wasn’t already!)I strongly suspect that the usual crowd of spectators at the track day will contain a large contingent of drooling Exige owners [image][/image][This message has been edited by Robert (edited 29 March 2001).]