I T G air filter WANTED

Get it right this time.
Anybody got an ITG set up ?? possibly after an engine swap??

My S1 had an ITG. DaveP has honda in now so worth a try.

PTP are doing them brand new for �70 here:



Get it right this time.
Anybody got an ITG set up ?? possibly after an engine swap??

PTP have 2 on sale! The ‘discounted one’ and the other ‘proper’ one!!!

SO… In view of rice burning chasing, I am now interested in what the best setup would be…

AS I see it, the original setup with pipercross and carbon gives a nice cold air intake which will give a greater air density and therefore more power…, but this with a smaller cross sectional area than the ITG.

The ITG is super as it has a very large surface area, will give a bloody nice induction roar, but is breathing hot engine bay air which is less dense!

If we could keep the ITG induction area supplied with cold air, I do think this would be the way to go… but what about the thread about these filters not be as efficient!

The ITG filter fits inside the original housing so I presume still uses the cold air supply. Does anyone know the difference between the 2 filters PTP sell - only seems to be a slightly different backplate (red)?

You are correct… I had thought the filter was just a standalone item and did not fit inside!!!..

So yes, all that remains to ask is si it better!!!

I’ve ordered the discounted one but have emailed them to ask what the difference is - will post the reply.

Here’s the reply from PTP:

Hi Alex

The Mega filter was originally designed to fit the Lotus Exige as a direct replacement for the 2 filters that were in the cold air feed pipe, the 2 air filters were difficult to clean and also reduced the power, for this reason we released the Mega filter. The main differences that I can see between both the filters are:

� Mega filter base plate mounts to the filter element with bolts, while the standard filter uses quick release clips that can be difficult to get to.

� The filters look to have the same dimensions

� The Mega filter has the hole for the stepper motor, but you need to drill your own holes to fit it, where as the standard filter has a smaller hole for the stepper motor and 3 holes to mount it already drilled.

I am unsure if there are any differences in the foam, and I am still waiting to hear from ITG to confirm this.

Please advise which filter you would prefer?

Kind Regards

I’m going to stick to the standard filter, I’ll live with it possibly being trickier to fit for �100ish not quite sure what the Stepper Moter they refer to is?


When I bought mine I remember it had a blue metal back and the garage said they had to do some drilling to get it to fit aswell.

Thanks Alskih, ordered and await to se how assembly goes.
Pete, will post pix of oil catch tank installation when completed, its not dificult but choice of tank is important as some of them are HEAVY, much to my surprise.

FUNNY! I had emailed PTP about the same subject today too!!!

Looks like the sale item is the one to get!!!

Looks lke there all gone now. What we going to do when the years roll by and we haven’t got any filters to replace our well used ones?

Looks lke there all gone now. What we going to do when the years roll by and we haven’t got any filters to replace our well used ones?

Old Socks
Or better still… old stockings

Looks lke there all gone now. What we going to do when the years roll by and we haven’t got any filters to replace our well used ones?

Buy the full priced ones?

Alskih …how are you getting on with fitting.I have some issues …
See my post in S1 Specific

Hi Clive
Have posted in your new topic in S1 specific.

Alskih …how are you getting on with fitting.I have some issues …
See my post in S1 Specific

So much for the PTP ‘Easily fits inside the existing housing’!!!

Photos are great… will be interested in the final octapus technique!