How to remove Lotus nose badge

Here’s how to remove an S2 Lotus nose badge*.

I have seen posts with some people using fishing line, however, I don’t fish so used a different approach.

First, check SWMBO is not using her hairdryer, or in my case, wait till she isn’t home.
Heat the badge untill it is warm to touch and gently push the corner of a credit card or similar underneath the badge. Heating the badge softens the glue of the sticky pad. For this task my Morrisons rewards card was ideal…

Keep working the card under the badge, ensuring the badge is still warm. I then used a plastic applicator I had from doing tinted windows. Wedge this under the credit card. You can now feel the glue loosening…

Keep the badge warm to touch and push the card and wedge under the badge. You can hear the glue/sticky pad breaking contact…

You will eventually get to the two badge pins. At this stage carefully peel the badge off. I kept the badge and sticky pad warm at this stage…

Once removed, the remaining sticky pad will be warm and very easy to remove…

Stand back and admire your work. Let the hair dryer cool down and put back so SWMBO is not aware.

Fit new nose badge.
NOTE The existing badge is 58mm diameter, 52mm is the minimum size badge to ensure you cover the pin holes.

*This guide is for a 2007 Exige, newer/older models may be different and I accept no liability for damage to your car. :wink:

Awesome guide there. I need to do exactly this on my car…

Thought I’d do it for future reference on here, perhaps a technical sticky.

I need to find a way to organise these how tos

That would be good. A Technical section for tips. :thumbup: