How to get through the winter with no Lotus action...

… how do you guys do it?

My car has been SORN’d now for a few months and I’m just hankering after a good blast on some dry grippy roads which is not gonna be happening until early Spring time. Meanwhile my daily as fun as it is for a little versatile eco wagon (it’s a little Audi A2 Tdi remapped) it just doesn;t quite scratch that motorsport feeling kind of itch.

Playstation?! :laughing:

Why SORN? Saves little money and you do get dry and salt free days in winter.

Agreed. Used to SORN mine, but haven’t bothered in recent years. Admittedly the car was off the road for a while for other reasons, but I love having th chance to get out on a crisp and clear morning and give it a blast.

To be honest it’s the first time I’ve SORN’d the car over winter, just figured back in late October when it turned cold that was the beginning of winter but of course the seasons are all over the place in recent years so you guys are quite right there are opportunities to use the Lotus on crisp dry days or mild days like today!

I’ve SORN’d for the first time,. too. Not got withdrawal symptoms just yet as the weather up here has been either wet, dark and miserable or icy and clear.

Thats due to you being wrong side of the hills.

ITs been glorious over in the Peoples Republic of Yorkshire.

I can’t disagree. The sun always seems to shine as I hit the border.