How old are you Exige Owners?

Don’t recall Mr Wainwright, but a bloke named “Fish” rings a bell

ha ha, thats right. As i recall, Mr fish sold the company to gerard wainwright who has now sold it on again!!! We are the largest dealers in scotland for said products

You guys are just whipper snappers,
@65 my insurance is 550 including 3 track days a year.
(only one left)… and now off to france for 2 days…
You are NEVER too old for an Exige except when you cant get in it anymore… But you do have to glue your false teeth in and tie on your Specs!!!

28 years young
Hope to hold onto the Exige until im as ole’ as MrBean

Koopa - How much discount Quite like the look of the T60

Im 26 now but i was 25 when i bought it

I was 38 when I bought mine and I’m 22 every time I get in it…unless I’m pretending to be Derek Bell…then I’m 54

About to be 25 bought my S2 at 24.

I guess you are not too old till you get in but then can’t get out.

You are NEVER too old for an Exige except when you cant get in it anymore…

Getting in is the easy bit - it’s the getting out which…

Totally agree with others’ comments - you’re never too old, & you always feel like you’re in your mid-twenties when you drive one

…you always feel like you’re in your mid-twenties when you drive one

Change gear Pesky!!!


Can’t exactly remember how old I am, but most reckon somewhere between 15 and 16, judging by my behaviour…

When you see me you may find age difficult to estimate, but have a few drinks with me and we’ll get on !!

(You’ll need to buy the drinks cos I won’t have my proof of age on me !!)

i’m only as old as the young man im feeling

I’m 23 i pay 1000 fully comp.

29, insurance is about a grand on an Exige S2.

I was determined to get one before I’m 30!!

sounds like ure getting ripped off,

22 2ncb and 1270 fully comp,

i got a qoute on an elise 111r same engine but elise, and its 1580 fully comp?

a full on race version, group 20 cheaper, where do they make their bullshit up from

brought my supercharged one at 21, paid �3200 insurance first year �2935 second.

Insurance may be more for the Elise because its convertable?

I paid �3100 to insure my Elise at 19 in my mums name so �1500 dont seem to bad for an Elise at 22 in your own name.

39…�440 fully comp, unlimited mileage…I feel old in this company.

you might be old(er) but I bet your not in as much debt as some of these guys !!

39…�440 fully comp, unlimited mileage…I feel old in this company.

That’s an excellent price! Who is it with?

lockys, There are a lot more factors than just your age for insurance you know, postcode has a massive effect, as does parking arrangements/points/job etc.

39…�440 fully comp, unlimited mileage…I feel old in this company.

That’s an excellent price! Who is it with?

Esteem - Yep I liked the quote as well