How not to exit a motorway!!!!

At about 1.00 - 1.10
Bet it makes you wince!


Ouch indeed!

See many near misses of this type on my travels …
got to get in front of this truck …got to get in front of this truck…got to get in front of this truck …
just recently a bloke riding his 3 wheeler trike was wiped out on the A38 near Lichfield in exactly the same manner.

Common factor here is truckers, so it must be their fault! :laughing:

Yeah. Ouch!


Does say something about the relative safety of a head-on impact in a modern car. Glad she’s recovering.

See too often the 4 lane veer. Isn’t the golden rule never move into a space you can’t see?

If her steering wheel had been on the correct side, this wouldn’t have happened :wink:

Happy she’s recovering

Thank god it was a left hand drive eh !

She’s very lucky!

Driven around Belgium quite a bit & seen so many close shaves, like that one.