How much !!!

Last years Inshurance � 625 Full comp on a 2006 Exige S Limited to 7000 Miles

This Years Renewal Notice �928

Direct line by the way

How !! Why !!

How dose this stack up to other exige quotes

They will probably give you the whole "new business discount etc etc"cr@p. A-plan saved me �400 over my next cheapest. Definitely worth a call on 01635 874646.

cheers Ed

…second that. A-Plan saved me money too A. Flux after having my business for 1 year decided to take the p*ss on my X5 and Exige renewals this month… so it was adios to them!

Speak to Paul @ Chris Knott - he did me a really good deal on the elise and when i changed to the exige

A=Plan for me too, �420 fully comp

Try Elephant, Tesco or Privilege - bizarrely, Privilege and some others charge less for an ‘S’ than a NA car - I queried this and was told that the ‘S’ had improved security???

FYI I paid �404 for an ‘S’ through Elephant with only a �350 XS - it was also cheaper if you added the wife as a second driver

Just Phoned Heritage Insurance
� 700 with Unlimited Track day Cover ( subject to a �1000 excess on the track)

What do people think ?

Anybody else with them ?

i chop from them every other year or so as that happened to me as well! take a break go back in a year and its much lower .

had the same with admiral and elephant (really cheap quote first year from elephant admiral couldnt get near it next year they lumped it up )then got a quote from admiral secound year much cheaper …funny thing is admiral own elephant!

Just Phoned Heritage Insurance
� 700 with Unlimited Track day Cover ( subject to a �1000 excess on the track)

What do people think ?

Be careful…it isnt 'unlimited!
Its a good deal BUT the trackdays I believe have to be officially organised club days i.e. by Lotus or an affiliated club!
Check the small print out before diving in!
Footman James were the cheapest for me!

Anybody else with them ?

As long as its a Club Track day eg Lotus on track its Unlimited and free
However if its Book a track etc its chargable

Another A-Plan here. �305 fully comp

CCI or AutoTorque options also if you want track day cover. Was with CCI last year and would have been this year (renewal was still competitive, not the usual p*ss take hike). Except AutoTorque offered a better deal if doing many track days (max. 6000 miles though). Heritage wouldn’t cover me as under 30