How Many?

Anyone got any ideas about how many S2 Exige’s are leaving the showrooms?

I think the question is

“How many are coming back ?”

To answer my own post…

I was told there were between 15-20 new S2’s sold in Scotland.

But, I may be wrong… I frequently am!!

Don’t know exactly how many S2 Exiges are leaving the showroom but as of the other day Lotus had registered 186 cars so far in 2005 with over 110 being regsitered in March - This is all variants - Elise and Exige.

(I work for a car manufacturer not an anorak manufacturer before anyone asks )

Suspect that nothing is flying out of the showrooms hence Lotus pushing finance offers etc.

I ve just bought one - but my mate at work says I m mad as for the price I could have had a 996 with 35k on the clock, and, if you’re rational and not interested in sheer driving abilty then I reckon he’s got a point. Lotus’ prices are too high for such a niche car for them to fly out of the showrooms.

FWIW, I (and many here) wouldn’t have a 996 over an Exige.
Yes they’re good cars, but they don’t drive anything like ours.

Now, if you’re more interested in posing…