how many?

how many were actually built and how amny are still on road use. ie not just used as a track car. where do you look for the build number. if you open the front clam up and lokk at the sticker there is it the last three digits on the vin. interested to know just how rare it is now!

Yep, last 3 digits of the VIN is the build number

601 or so built I think - not sure how many still in UK and on the road.

601 is correct, i had the last one and sold it to a member on here. Mr admin has the first.

Yep, read a lot of different numbers al over the internet but 601 is correct. I’ve got 174 right here in Holland. Apparently we are only 7

So how many of the 601 are left on the road and how many in this country???

If everyone would fill in the S1 REGISTRAR’S SURVEY we may get a better idea about that…

hint, hint …


Oh forgot about that