How is the weather with you ?

Glad I,was not in the Exige today…especially here

It’s lovely thanks.
28 C and a lovely cooling breeze
Oh, and local rum

Chilly, but high winds have dropped. Hope it’s sunny and dry tomorrow for bike ride.

Seems the link is broken …will,try t sort it

Try this…

Stop that :smiley:

How are the jellyfish :wink:

Today it is a very pleasant 25c, so pottering around in the garden working up to having the 1st Chang of the day… :sunglasses:

Lol that’s so awesome :clap:

Sod off! :smiley:

Funny you should say that Thommo :mrgreen: Yesterday afternoon was spent laying new grass turf - just need to finish the job today. PS It’s another lovely morning :sunglasses:


Disgusting… :open_mouth: .cant understand how you can stand it… :confused: …when you could be basking in cold rain @2 degrees dark nights and rail strikes.

No Lotus though :lolno:

LOL Clive - we visited a farm growing the buggas a few weeks ago…they were about 1yd in diameter - amazing! :laughing:

They’d look good filled with gravy

Why is Ying wearing your hat Mr P? :slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:clap: :clap: :blush:

Sadly I’m in China :unamused:

:smiley: Shame