How are we feeling about that?

“Lotus production could move to China, says Geely owner”

Not really a surprise .
Most of the long term employees with the specialised knowledge have pushed off already to the likes of Aston and Jaguar.
How will the " on back order " situation change ?

I could foresee some benefits in the SUV and perhaps another model being produced there, but to cease all production (or even just assembly) away from Hethel would not bode well for the enthusiast buyer, particularly of the higher end products, never mind the impact in Norfolk :frowning:

Given that Autocar is amongst the lower order of the gutter sensationalist journo crap, I wouldn’t read too much into it. I cannot see a scenario where Lotus does not exist as a engineering and manufacturer of cars in Norfolk…

^^^^^^ agreed :thumbup:

This would mean the entire range would need re-naming…

The Erise, Exise, Erora. :laughing:


PMSL :clap: :laughing:

A bit like my friend, Mujibar, who was trying to get a job in India…

The Microsoft Personnel Manager said,
‘Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except one.
Unless you pass it, you cannot qualify for this job.’

Mujibar said, ‘I am ready.’
The manager said,
'Make a sentence using the words

yellow, Pink, and Green …’

Mujibar said,

'The telephone goes green, green,

And I pink it up, and say,

Yellow, this is Mujibar.’

Mujibar now works at the MICROSOFT call centre.

No doubt you have spoken to him…… I have.

I spoke to him at Barclaycard today, he’s moved…

G’day Ade!

How goes it! :smiley:

Very well, Exige less currently, but looking for the right S1 to keep as a non track car, have a Clio as a track car now

Good to hear you are doing well

Yup! S1’s Exige and Elise are getting pretty precious now!

Clio must be a hoot on track!

Where did your S2 go then?