Hoodies :(

Driving home from work tonight, got stuck in stationery traffic. Minding my own busineess, I hear a rap on the window.

I wind down the window, and here is the transcript:

Hoody A: “Hey mr how much was that car”
Me: “None of your business”
Hoody B: “Can I have a drive”
Me: “Nope… ”

Cheeky idiots.

Mistake number one. When someone asks how much your car cost, reverse the question & ask them to guess the price

You’ll be surprised at the answer

Mistake number two - even hoodies are genuinely interested in our cars for the right reasons(although, usually they know bugger all about them). Please don’t pi$$ them off, otherwise they’ll think we’re also the same type who drive Porsches & Ferarris, cos we’re not

One of the joys of Exige ownership (to date) has been that the full cross section of peeps appear to love the cars, they want to ask questions, & have no desire to harm either you, or the car. It’s so much nicer to get the thumbs up with a big smile, rather than two fingers & a scowl

Geez, you got off lightly, they would have knifed you here.

Geez, you got off lightly, they would have knifed you here.

Yeah, but you colonials deserve it

Mistake number two - even hoodies are genuinely interested in our cars for the right reasons

Having had my house broken into twice to steal cars, I’m probably not quite as tolerant as I once was.

Fair enough if people like your car, I’ve had a few people ask me in the garage / car park. I think that’s fine. But rapping on your window whilst in traffic…


what did they rap, was it any good ?

Having had my house broken into twice to steal cars, I’m probably not quite as tolerant as I once was.


I can fully understand your immediate reaction, & I’m sure I’d feel the same way in those circumstances. However, an Exige isn’t any good for ram raiding/quick drops of illegal substances, & is somewhat obvious if you’re just joyriding!

In the past (1997 to 2000) I’ve had a Scooby, & an Evo - in those cars I was very uneasy whilst driving around major towns & cities. However, since getting the Exige in 2001 I’ve had no worries about theft/carjacking - plenty of attention though, & always mutually acknowledged with a smile & a big thumbs up Try it - hopefully you’ll experience the same

what did they rap, was it any good ?

I think it was something by 50 cent, but couldn’t be 100% sure

One of the joys of Exige ownership (to date) has been that the full cross section of peeps appear to love the cars, they want to ask questions, & have no desire to harm either you, or the car. It’s so much nicer to get the thumbs up with a big smile, rather than two fingers & a scowl

I have really found the same thing. Although the Exige is a pretty extrovert looking car (especially in dayglo orange ), most people seem to mark you down as a genuine enthusiast rather than a rich poser as they would if you were driving a Porsche. I have hardly ever had any negative reaction from other road users, and several times have had people eager to chat about the car when I have been filling up at a petrol station.


I too have had a few unsavoury looking types walk over to the car in the past. Without exception they’ve all been interested & friendly & I’ve treated all with repect…no worries

Some people just admire/respect the car for what it is.

I wear a hoody, and I’m a skinhead, and a big fella…But I’m actually really nice

Don’t judge a book!

I’ve had kids jump out and flag me down, so they can take photos with their phones! Kids just like cars, especially cool looking ones like ours.