honda gear shift

a question for the honda powered cars, how good is the gear shift? I have seen an very early conversion and the shift was slow and needed a bit of experience to shift reasonably well.

i imagine things have improved in the last year or two?

The newesr converions I have tried have been a massive improvement, the standard shift is not dazzling in S1s and there in lies a bit of the problem.

For a really good shift IMO you need to really fine tune the setup and also think about new cables, the oem ones are a bit pants to start wth and dont get better after years of being yanked around to cope with iffy red clutch pipes etc.

Listers do good cables.

There is no self centering to speak of with the Honda conversions and I was concerned about that.

The Edwards type shift is very positive and actually my fears were unfounded - Its far better than my PG1 shift

Varies from car to car but mine is ace! rifle bolt comes to mind

There is no self centering to speak of with the Honda conversions


Now don’t flower it up Dan, say what you mean!

BTW, Andy is, pre Chinky Beer, usually quite good at knowing what he is talking about. In fact in my life time I have never known him to be wrong.

PS, sorry about the enourmous advert - it is being sorted by proffeshnials as we speak.

Need I say more?


Perhaps he should have said, “There is no self centering to speak of with the Edwards/Sinclaires Honda conversions.”



that must be the NEW and updated link-up kit Dan
they took their time doing that

maybe everyone have their own ways of fitting a Engine in
to a car some parts are good and some not so good i think even you Dan will have to agree with that no matter what kit it is.

Need I say more?


Absolutely Tony! My post was purely for clarity on the issue and was in no way intended to start yet another Honda [censored]-fight.


PS, sorry about the enourmous advert - it is being sorted by [color:“red”] proffeshnials [/color] as we speak.

Hope they don’t call themselves that - your advert can only get bigger !

that looks better Russ

that looks better Russ

Someone’s been rubbing his lamp

Yeah that’s pretty good Russ. Can they do me one?

Need I say more?


Yes, you do need to say more. How’s it work? Is it sprung at the lever end? And where can i get one?

Both of my cars are BLiNK conversions, and the gearchanges are not that good. Hardly any self centreing, and 2nd to 3rd is particularly bad, though I do not need to drop below 3rd on track, and on the road its mostly 6th.


Both of my cars are BLiNK conversions, and the gearchanges are not that good. Hardly any self centreing, and 2nd to 3rd is particularly bad, though I do not need to drop below 3rd on track, and on the road its mostly 6th.


Could be a new option on the conversion - 2 speed gearbox…

Need I say more?


Yes, you do need to say more. How’s it work? Is it sprung at the lever end? And where can i get one?

No it is not sprung at the lever end. It just uses the standard self-centering springs in the box. I can only assume other conversions’ linkages/cables are too tight/stiff if they don’t self-centre. As far as I know, all Link-Up conversions self-centre. Does your’s Jamie?

And its not a new improved linkage. The video above was of one of the first Link-Up cars converted and the linkage design has never changed.

I did drive a car converted by another converter that required 2 hands to get into reverse. That was interesting.