Honda Exhaust

I have an Elise Parts exhaust and although it sounds wonderful it is silly loud. Anyone got any experience of different exhaust that are a bit more civilised with the Honda?

Picking my Elise/Honda up Friday Night its has the Brooke Kensington on It ill let You know
I dont fancy using the cat but it may be too noisy for some tracks

Still waiting on my Larini but it’s meant to be good for 200bhp, sound sexy and should be trackday friendly.

Watch this space.


I’ve heard some good things about the Larini. What sort of design is it internally, straight though or baffled?

Ian, when are you getting it?

Just chatted to Larini on the phone and it’s a straight through design. I like the look of it actually, might be the one to go for. Ian - let us know how you get on with it.

The power speed one Uldis and I have is relative quiet and works well - straight through design and re-packable.

It just isnt as shiny as the Larini one …

Is there a website I can find a picture on? - for the company website … but for an Exige specific exhaust you need to search bookatrack galleries for Uldis’s pictures here is one - the tailpipe can be whatever design you want - Uldis went Oval - I went twin twin exit

I think there’s one on here somewhere.

I thought the Larini was baffled, oh well. For some reason it’s cheaper from Moto-build (ask for Dave and join the queue).


The Edwardz Boys are also about to release an exhaust. They have it on their K engined car, I am awaiting delivery of one which will be fitted to the Vinyl Veronique Racing™ Honda.It sounds good and can be specified with extra silencing etc. If you can wait, I will know more soon.


It you want rid of your Elise Parts exhaust - let me know as I will have it off you for a few squids?


Will definately be willing to sell the EliseParts one. I have a silenced CAT bypass pipe too if you are interested. May be a couple of months before I make the change because my rear shocks need some TLC and money lavishing on them first, after being properly killed at Bruntinghorpe.

Randy, I’d be interested in the silenced CRP if you still have it once you’re getting rid of it all

The silenced CRP is off the car already but still up at Maidstone’s. Will let you know when I pick it up.

Russ - Will be a while before I change the zorst because I need to get the shocks sorted first, before the car bounces off the road! The Edwards one sounds like I good bet, will have to have a look at yours when it’s fitted. Do you know if it’s a atraight through design?

Randy, (and everybody)

The exhaust system we are working on is a 2 1/2" bore straight through system, In three parts the main 2 1/2" bore 6" dia polished main box with single large oval exit pipe. A 2 1/2" straight cat replacement pipe, and a 2 1/2" bore 4" dia silenced cat replacement pipe. which you use depends on how quiet you need to be, At Donington the main back box with the straight crp gave 101db driveby and with the second box installed gave 94db driveby. So no more problems with noise limits. (tested on our Exige which has 190 kit and the air restrictor removed). Price not yet finalised but be sure that it will be a very competitive price
Steve Edwards.
P.S. suitable for K series/Honda/Audi/Ford/NASA Rocket(not getting into that debate)

And exceedingly nice it is too

Looks & sounds great, & spits out the occasional flame as a bonus

Randy, (and everybody)

The exhaust system we are working on is a 2 1/2" bore straight through system, In three parts the main 2 1/2" bore 6" dia polished main box with single large oval exit pipe. A 2 1/2" straight cat replacement pipe, and a 2 1/2" bore 4" dia silenced cat replacement pipe. which you use depends on how quiet you need to be, At Donington the main back box with the straight crp gave 101db driveby and with the second box installed gave 94db driveby. So no more problems with noise limits. (tested on our Exige which has 190 kit and the air restrictor removed). Price not yet finalised but be sure that it will be a very competitive price
Steve Edwards.
P.S. suitable for K series/Honda/Audi/Ford/NASA Rocket(not getting into that debate)

Steve - Ive been invited to a track day at Goodwood on Oct 6th. It has a 98db noise limit so I have two questions… 1)With my Honda do you think I can make 98db with your zorst and the CAT fitted and 2) Could you get one finished in time for Oct 6th?

Thanks in advance…

I have finally picked up my Elise with the Honda engine
it was delayed 10 days because the Brooke Kensington exhaust would not fit with the new manifold
I now have an Elise parts exhaust whick fits fine but!!
It is ridiculously noisy
Randy did you run yours with the silenced cat pipe because when I fiited one on my Exige it really had a big impact on the power output and I took it off again
The power delivery of the K20a seems a bit manic it is just suddenly there