Hole in the A pillar


My S1 has a hole about 2mm in the A pillar. It is on the right side facing the rear of the car. You can see it from the drivers seat. Inside there is some king of clear glue. Can anyone guess what this is? Was the pillar drilled to change the windscreen?

Here is a pic of it.


You mean the white spot? I’m afraid I can really tell from that pic (even enlarged).


Yeah the white spot. It is just a hole and if you look further inside there is a clear material inside. Sort of like transparent silicone/glue. Hmm

My understanding is the screen surround is just filled with something, it’s not structural.


Oh! I guess that is why they cut it off on the 2-11 then

Still does not explain the hole. Maybe it just fell off?

I guess I will just fill it up with something to cover the hole then.


My understanding is the screen surround is just filled with something, it’s not structural.


I thought it served a purpose in terms of roll over protection (albeit a limited role) and thus was structural. Any hole may have been manufactured in as part of a QA inspection programme.

I wouldn’t be worried per se, but only if it had been done by a previous owner for attaching something?

I thought that too but having seen Sean’s stripped down car I won’t be placing any faith in it in a crash.


My understanding is the screen surround is just filled with something, it’s not structural.


I thought it served a purpose in terms of roll over protection (albeit a limited role) and thus was structural. Any hole may have been manufactured in as part of a QA inspection programme.

I wouldn’t be worried per se, but only if it had been done by a previous owner for attaching something?

dont know what anyone would attach in one 2mm hole.

anyway Im not overly concerned about it, was just curious why anyone would make a seemingly cosmetic hole(the glue is not drilled only the outer shell) in the A pillar.

My understanding is the screen surround is just filled with something, it’s not structural.


I thought it served a purpose in terms of roll over protection (albeit a limited role) and thus was structural. Any hole may have been manufactured in as part of a QA inspection programme.

I wouldn’t be worried per se, but only if it had been done by a previous owner for attaching something?

No the screen surround is not structural, its simply fibreglass filled with a kind of hard foam

OK now I am worried!