Hibernation over

End of the ski season here in Slovakia and a barmy 5 deg C. As my son decided it was warn enough to wear shorts :open_mouth: I figured it was time to bring the Lotus out of hibernation.

Decided to go for a Sunday morning drive, ended up at the memorial near the Ukranian border. I wasn’t sure if this 30 ton piece of kit was of 1940s Soviet construction or the latest Hethel IPS variant :laughing:

You are too cool for school my friend

Fantastic Wes! The car looks really clean!

I thought you were selling it or have I misremembered something :question:

Gotta love Ben, unlike regular mortals, Ben ‘misremembers’ something, the rest of us simply forget :wink:

Did Wes put his car up for sale or not? I recall he did, but I may be wrong…perhaps I misremembered it.

If I had forgotten that he had put his car up for sale then I would not have thought to post anything would I :unamused:

Blah blah blah

I found a use for the neighbours cat, its the least it can do since its been sharing the garage over winter, add a bit of 'mog’uires and the Lotus polishes up nicely. :astonished:

You misremembered right Ben :question: , it was up for sale. However I’m over here for another 12 months so I decided I may as well enjoy another roofless summer with the steering wheel on the left. Just starting to think about this summers adventure tour, hopefully with our other Eastern comrad in his Evora :thumbup:

The other reason for not selling the car is that rather than building another Exige rally car I errr accidentally bought a normal rally car, even though I havent seen it or driven it yet :frowning: A tidy little pocket rocket super 1400 Puma with Hewland sequential :sunglasses: I’m in trouble for it…she still doesnt actually believe that I’ve bought it, she thinks I’m kidding :open_mouth:

Cool bananas. More tours the better!

oooooh - I just remembered: in April you should come south to visit for this, I’ve booked a day learning to flip a car sideways and drive on two wheels :stuck_out_tongue: fancy joining in?

And the car of instruction is …

a trabant :laughing: :laughing: It’s going to be fun!
must get an exiges sticker on that trabi :smiley:

Talking of cats and Pumas rally cars Wes. There’s a white one with bright blue mud flaps under a cover on a drive in Teddington (SW London). I’ve just driven past it for the second time today and now it has a cat asleep on it!

There can’t be many around so it must be someone you know eh? It looks like a full on competition spec car.

Not sure who owns that Ben. They also make a good cat hammock with a car cover over the S1600 rear spoiler :slight_smile: In fact that’s all mine will be used for this year, an expensive cat bed! There are benefits though, it should keep the mice out of the Sparco’s.