Hi !!!!

Hi All

Been a while - a quick trawl see’s all the usual suspects are still around !!!

Thinking of a Lotus again :thumbup:

Anyway I might try and make it to Anglesey on the 3rd - if Carlsberg did Lotus catchup days and all that…


:smiley:. Imposter!

Who are you really :astonished:

It’s me really :stuck_out_tongue:

Great to have you back Chris, where have you been ?

What type of Lotus are you considering, V6 ? :thumbup:

Yay! Lol hey buddy… blew up the S2, sold it in bits, bought an S1 that’s currently in bits!

So what you thinking?

Welcome back Chris.

We all assumed your missus found out about your ‘garage secret’ and locked you up in there :laughing:

Thanks for the semi warm & wet welcome !!!

Not locked away but taken a while to get round to missing the Lotus life etc

So I’m thinking V6 but trying not to spend 20K changing it like I did last time. :laughing:

Couple of cars available that have peaked my interest - couple of V6’s and a V6 Cup.

After reading a few posts and reviews I think the Cup may be a little extreme whereas I could get a V6s and spend a sensible amount and have the best of both worlds.

What’s the collective wisdom think ??? I bet Pesky comes in with driver training straight away !!! :lolno:

Standard car, with some Cup bits would be my choice.

Ask Gav, but its mainly cosmetic. Everything is the same size, just a slightly different flavour, tyres, brakes, exhaust, etc. Can’t be your secret keeper this time I’m afraid!!

Hi John - no problem, all on the level this time around !!!

I’d guessed that from looking at Gav’s posts and the various reviews - Cup’s not draped in carbon anymore so as you say less of a difference between V6 and Cup.

Looks like a suspension and brake upgrade might be the best place to start plus the usual harnesses etc ?

You still working for BMW ?

Nope, never been a favourite, 7 months showed that I wasn’t far wrong with the BMW ethos. A 114 with a Peugeot engine, 19 inch wheels and M sport badges? Of course sir, it will be just like driving a 1M. Marketing first, everything else a distant second since the early 2000’s sadly.

Have a read of Blinky’s posts on Seloc. There’s some good stuff in there, both good and bad points. Try a track day in one standard and then figure out what you ‘need’ to upgrade. Sounds like there may be a few at Anglesey that would be worth a ride in. Just don’t go out when the Audi/Honda/Sequentialed cars are out at the same time! There could be some red faces.

Hi Chis welcome back mate.

Good to hear you are looking to get another Lotus under the wife’s radar :wink:

Looking forward to seeing you Chris


Nice to see you back :slight_smile:

Thanks Ade - might see you at Anglesey :wink:

Have you still got the Saturday Night Fever stylee passenger attire? :mrgreen:

:smiley: :smiley: Beat me to it. Welcome back Chris!

Oh yeah !!!

Freshly laundered and sparkling white !!!