Hi from East Sussex

Hi guys, my account application was finally approved!

I have an S1 Motorsport bodied Elise with a Honda K20 and is a great fun car.
I am going to investigate the costs, pros and cons of supercharging the Honda engine and have loads more things to do to it too this year. I have a carbon motorsport wing to go on as well as an original Exige engine cover to mix it up a bit (any advice on a hinge would be appreciated).
Also - I’m after a set of Speedlines if anyone has any???
The main focus is to do as many trackdays as possible this year and I will be signing up to Lotus on Track very soon to book some days through them.
I hope to see some of you out there!


Hi Sam and welcome. Lots of experience of Honda cars and SC on this forum.

Good luck finding Speedlines, it is very very rare that they come up for sale.

As far as trackdays then good news! There is places on the exiges.com annual event at Anglesey on Good Friday. Be on circuit with lots of other Exiges and you’ll find lots of Honda cars there for inspiration (including mine) :sunglasses: Join the convoy up from the south on the Thu…


Hi Sam. Welcome to exiges, post some pictures when you get a second.

The exiges day is a great event to kick off the track day season. Good people and a great circuit with few staying over the night before in the Premier Inn Bangor.

Just cannot get the pics to upload ???!!

The Anglesey circuit is over 6 hrs away and with two young boys at home, i dont think I could really commit to such a trip just yet.
My local is Brands but i am really looking forward to Hethel with the Lotus on Track club. Thats 3 hrs away but if ~I leave at 5 am, i can get there in time for the track sessions!

Thanks for the welcome chaps.

Shame about Anglesey. But welcome, nevertheless. You’ll enjoy it here.

Lots of us have young families but get a pass for a couple of days away. I’m in London so yes Anglesey is a long trip but that trip is a big part of the magic. Join a few of us on trip up on Thu and then at a push you can drive back Fri. Experience says you’re better off staying x2 nights but I’ve done it a number of times doing only x1.

Ask for a pass,…I guarantee it will be worth the effort.

Ha ha straight in with the peer pressure :smiley:

Upload to Photobucket Sam then copy and paste the “img code” from the selection onto here.

Haha! Peer pressure!!
Only a little needed.

Here’s a pic or two…

Better get my are into gear with it really. Got some jobs to do i.e the carbon wing that is in one of the pics plonked onto the Exige wing. Amongst others.

Nice :clap: You need to come to Anglesey :mrgreen:

Lovely looking car that! :clap:

Hi Sam, lovely looking car, whereabouts in East Sussex are you? I’m in Hailsham by the way :slight_smile:
Who did your conversion out of interest?
It’d be nice to have a nose around yours one day if you’re local.


Hi Paul,

Very local mate, Im in Bexhill.

Of course lets meet up, what are you driving?

Maybe you could meet up on the Thu to join the Southern Convoy heading to Anglesey for Good Friday,…eh eh :wink:

I will be looking into that for sure…

You guys go to the circuits often?