HGF - DIY Honda possible?

Hi all

I have a motorsport-bodied Elise with 118hp K and HGF. The head won’t come off for another week, so I don’t know if the engine is salvageable.

If it isn’t, do I drop in another K to Sport 160 spec, a VHPD or a DVA-type tune? Or do I drop in a Honda? The Honda is most appealing but I don’t have the necessary �10k (my anecedotal understanding of price) for a dealer install. Thus if I were to buy an engine like the one recently for sale by EVOSAL, does anyone other than Prototype Racing offer the necessary parts in kit form? Or would I have to fabricate everything? I have access to full workshop facilities including machining and access to an auto-electrician. I’m not concerned by rumours that some DIY efforts are potential fireballs.

Look forward to your comments.


Stay well away from Protohype… lots of people got burned and lost money. At this time none of the engine conversions are available in kitform.

Thanks Carsten.

Does anyone else have any views? Will anyone be at Donington who can share some thoughts?


Yep steer well clear from protohype, got my fingers burned by him too, �2k out of pocket because of it and several others are in a far worse position.
I had my car done at Maidstone sports cars they have the best developed kit and it comes with a 12 month warranty if anything goes wrong, which it doesnt.
Unfortunately i will not be at donington as im on holiday.
