Hey Ben, the spirit of your car is alive and well in Sweden

Sett in his ways: Angry badger brings Stockholm hotel to a standstill

A luxury hotel in central Stockholm came under siege early today by an ill-tempered badger that refused to allow any guests in or out, forcing police to intervene. The Swedish capital’s police website said: ”A crazy or stressed-out badger is preventing the staff and clients at a major hotel from leaving their cars, and from picking up their bags.” The Radisson Blu badger crisis began at around 5am and lasted some 40 minutes, when the police decided to take action.
The stressed animal was refusing to leave the place. So the police called in the local wildlife services to settle the problem,
Stockholm police statement
It remains unclear why the badger was angry. The leafy Swedish capital has many forests, lakes and canals that are home to many species of wildlife including elks and hare - but badgers taking over hotels are very rare.



Nice one :laughing:

Haha :laughing: The badger has been hibernating and is about to be woken up.

So the spirit of my car needs to hot foot it back to Donny for Tue when I’m hoping to give it a shakedown. Clive will be there too, its all set to be a great day…I can’t wait.