Hewland dog box

About to test a car with one of these but owner says if I busts it I mends it…
I know they are “crunchy” but is there a right way to change …@ �5k a box I dont want to Fooook it uooop :angry:

Straight from the horses mouth


but the owner won’t like it!!

I suggest checking that it doesn’t jump out of gear to start with . Maybe best to let the owner drive it first (without keeping a hand on the gear lever) and demonstrate that it stays in gear with light on/off throttle in the lower gears. You don’t want to be held responsible for existing worn dogs. They should be cool about that if the box is ok.

[quote=JDS]Straight from the horses mouth


but the owner won’t like it!! [/quote]

Get the 5K ready based on that !!! :smiley:

That the car you were talking about Clive? Good luck!

Thats a good read … and from what I recall about my Mini dog box, absolutely fact … especially this bit

“The damage can usually be felt by the driver”

Provided the box is in good order, don’t give it a second thought. Just be firm with the shift.

lol, re Andy and feeling the damage. I only cocked it once at Donington in an FV donkey years ago but I vividly remember the feeling and thinking fuck thats a bit more than “just polishing” the gears :astonished: :smiley:

How to change the habit of a lifetime. :frowning:
Change up…just lift throttle ,no clutch. :slight_smile:
Change down dip clutch late into breaking zone , no throttle lift. :smiley:

Sounds easy BUT will my tiny brain cope?? :tired:

Me thinks best stick to good old syncro after 55 years of regular changing. :confused:

Seriously Clive, don’t worry about it:

You will adjust to it automatically.

I didn’t even know that it had to be used in a different way I first got into formula vauxhall. It was only after several days that I realised when changing up I was touching the clutch so lightly that it was not actually disengaging. I then stopped even bothering to move my foot(and being pretty chuffed thinking clutchless changing :smiley: ). Changing down is effectively no different. Its a race - your hand and right foot will want to move as quick as possible naturally!

Stop thinking too hard about it and go enjoy the chance!! :slight_smile:

Me thinks best stick to good old syncro after 55 years of regular changing. :confused: [/quote]

If you go for the swap the gears may not be the only thing needing regular changing… :blush:

You are obviously back home in the UK then Clive?