Help! Wife says I am an ANORAK!!!

Caught surfing Exiges!!!.. AGAIN!!!

Bloody hell… it’s not even porn!

Crime!!! Anyone else sentanced as such!

How about a Seloc ‘Stealth Mode’ in lieu of ‘5 years inside!’

I too was tarnished with the looser stick of queen buys mini magazine…mind you had there been a lotus mag i’d buy it…i had to buy a beemer just to read the mags lol

i get, you going on that bloody computer again. what for ?exiges of course!!! what else if there was one for ford ka’s she would understand

I think I’m not alone in my missus referring to it as

You haven’t seen me RIGHT

what does she actually think we are doing right now. if im being honest .im meant to be doing my office work nah. exiges on minimise. its the fact that i keep disappearing every hour upstairs to get tinternet on and straightinto the forum.dam those squeaky floorboards right under the computer desk!

if there was one for ford ka’s she would understand

Seriously though, to me, is not so much a website, more a lifeline - helps to preserve some semblance of sanity during revision…


omg i will have to keep that link away from the enema! she will be pimping it up if she sees the owners pics. lets stick to exiges sanity and the lifeline that it is!

6.47am. What’s the first site I look at? It was bad enough when I just had an Elise.
Then, when I was spotted surfing Exiges, it led to Mrs T saying: “Why don’t you just bl**dy well buy one?”
So I did.

My wife once seriously suggested addiction therapy.

yeah im on the course and its doing nothing for me. plenty more helplines yet to try

My wife once seriously suggested addiction therapy.

Think yourself lucky…wait til you get addicted to Ebay as well!!!

my only saving grace is that my wife has now joined geekbook so she’s got less to take the pi5s out of me for

my only saving grace is that my wife has now joined geekbook so she’s got less to take the pi5s out of me for

That’ll all change later today, once you get your car back home

Great to see you, & car at Martin & Steve’s yesterday evening

my only saving grace is that my wife has now joined geekbook so she’s got less to take the pi5s out of me for

That’ll all change later today, once you get your car back home

Great to see you, & car at Martin & Steve’s yesterday evening

So Con, is it back together ? No real reason for asking

So Con, is it back together ? No real reason for asking

He’s probably too busy driving it to post

Just been out for an evening blat in mine…god I love that car. Roads are shite round me but you finds yer pleasures where you can…waxing a 335i off the lights…never not funny

So Con, is it back together ? No real reason for asking

He’s probably too busy driving it to post

Just been out for an evening blat in mine…god I love that car. Roads are shite round me but you finds yer pleasures where you can…waxing a 335i off the lights…never not funny


We should get a shot of 3 Black SC Exiges done before mine is shipped

We should get a shot of 3 Black SC Exiges done before mine is shipped

Well 2 x black and 1 x black&white/grey

When is yours shipped Andy? Is it still with Martin? I need to get mine up there soon so I’ll give Con a shout and maybe get that photo done.

Sounds like we’ll be seeing you in July anyways…

Well just got back home after leaving Martin and Steve on Saturday at c. 1pm.

All I can say is Oh my god - how good is my car.
Done a fair few miles and 3 tanks of fuel and its been absolutely mega.

everyone who has seen the install has been gobsmacked at how professional it all looks, and everyone whos been in it cannot believe how quick it is !

As usual the boyz have done a fanstastic job and made me a very happy man.

will post some pictures later

big, big thanks to Martin and Steve.

Well just got back home after leaving Martin and Steve on Saturday at c. 1pm.

All I can say is Oh my god - how good is my car.
Done a fair few miles and 3 tanks of fuel and its been absolutely mega.

everyone who has seen the install has been gobsmacked at how professional it all looks, and everyone whos been in it cannot believe how quick it is !

As usual the boyz have done a fanstastic job and made me a very happy man.

will post some pictures later

That feeling you’ve got now Con,…that does’nt really wear off

Can’t wait to see it and have two black Honda SC Exiges tearing it up at a circuit soon