Help - Rear visibility issue!!

Help,…as I took the cover off to buzz down to Virginia Water today the cover came off and the passenger wing mirror fell on the floor . Rear visibility was never a strong point but now changing lanes is even more buttock clenching

Someone must have walked into it. The actual bolts on the mounting seem to have sheared. Had a look at eliseparts but not convinced that the necessary mountings from the actual support are intact. Has this happended to anyone else??? Seem to recall that it is off of a Rover 100 (Metro to you and me). Oh and before someone points out the obvious weight-saving/aerodynamic-benefit of losing the mirror I can confirm it made no difference

Oh and before someone points out the obvious weight-saving/aerodynamic-benefit of losing the mirror I can confirm it made no difference

Yeah, but you got to take both of them off !!