HELP! MissFire!

Slight problem! Every time my car gets to exactly 5500 rpm it develops a missfire. If I keep my foot in, the car gets through it, but it does the same in every gear. Very annoying and a little hazardous in the wet! Any suggestions?


Well known problem, have a search through the archives.

My car has done it 4 times in 15 months, twice while on track at trackdays. I have found the solution is to get upto speed on a straight, switch the engine off for a few seconds and restart it. Worked everytime for me so far.

I went through everything… Mine was cured with an Emerald ECU.


search archives as suggested by Mark, but check rear wheel speed sensor, check its had the recall software upgrade for the ecu, check leads/plugs/coils etc to make sure you don’t have a genuine misfire…

best spend an hour or two in th earchives tho’

Yep, archive.

As Rox says it’s either the wheel speed sensor on the right hand side wheel. You can check this at a dealer with a scan tool, it’ll flag what sensors have died.

Or there’s some sheilded wiring that goes to that wheel speed sensor that’s deaded!

Or it is a genuine mis fire

On three occasions I have experianced the problem I have incorrectly used the alarm/imobiliser by setting it with the door open. Resetting the alarm and driving off and fault appears and continues no matter how far I travel. The cure would appear to be to stop the car, get out, set the alarm, dis-arm the alarm and get back in, the car then drives OK.

On three occasions I have experianced the problem I have incorrectly used the alarm/imobiliser by setting it with the door open. Resetting the alarm and driving off and fault appears and continues no matter how far I travel. The cure would appear to be to stop the car, get out, set the alarm, dis-arm the alarm and get back in, the car then drives OK.

See my post above, you don’t need to go to that extreme

The last time mine did it I was foot to the floor 7000rpm exiting the chicane at Snetterton after 2 laps.
1st time was on the M6,

On three occasions I have experianced the problem I have incorrectly used the alarm/imobiliser by setting it with the door open. Resetting the alarm and driving off and fault appears and continues no matter how far I travel. The cure would appear to be to stop the car, get out, set the alarm, dis-arm the alarm and get back in, the car then drives OK.

See my post above, you don’t need to go to that extreme

The last time mine did it I was foot to the floor 7000rpm exiting the chicane at Snetterton after 2 laps.
1st time was on the M6,

I tried your technique on my car and it never really worked. In fact the misfire would re-appear very quickly. I would have to come to a complete stop, turn off the ignition and leave it off for 30 odd seconds before re-starting.

Had the 5500 stutter for the first time in ages last saturday, usually i switch off ignition turn on leave car to idle without accelarator for at least 10 seconds and it solves it.

Except this time my positive terminal was loose and car would not restart, tightened it up and it was fine, not sure if the loose terminal had anything to do with stutter as it happens anyway, but it had done it so long ago that i can only think this time it was related to the battery terminals.

Only happened to me twice, both times after accelerating before the engine had fully warmed up. Stopped, re started let warm up and away she goes.

Probably something completely different tho !

My car generally missfires only on motorway journeys. has never occured on track days. Have chatted to my dealer about it before, he says that the Lotus 190 Map drastically over fuels between 4500-5000 rpm which causes the engine to trigger it’s ‘hiccups’. This would tie up to my motorway occurances as car is generally hovering around those revs in 5th at 75-85 mph. Still just switch on and off on the move seems to cure it, a bit hairy at night though!!

JCT 600 have found out that my car has not had the ECU upgrade, so I am taking the trip this morning to have it done. Will report on the progress!
