Help me Obi Wan...

After several absolutely awesome days with the BookaTrack Caterham R300’s - I keep looking at videos of Caterham 620R’s and find myself close to writing a for sale ad ! :open_mouth:

I know what you are saying matey, but I think you would regret it. I think Caterhams are ace, in fairness I need to spend more time in one to really get to know them. But from the one day i did, I wouldn’t have swapped my S1 for one.

  1. You will regret it if you sell…maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow etc etc.
  2. It’s an appreciating asset. In real terms it’s just running costs.

Find a way to ‘as well as’ and not ‘instead of’.

Maybe we all get together and co-fund an Exiges secure storage facility…I guess we kind of are doing exactly that via BaT :unamused:

Don’t do it Dave :crazy:

Caterhams are one car I don’t want to drive for this very reason, I’ve had a play in various BEC equivalents over the years so know what they are like. I also agree that surely it would be an addition to the fleet rather than instead off?

Hmm, the Force is weak in this one.

Wait until Anglesey, your Midichlorians will come back up.

I’m concerned that Dave has bagged one of the R300 sessions, it could be bad for his state of mind doing a back-to-back :open_mouth: :astonished:

Oh yea - I almost forgot about that - will be a good test !!

I’ve got the biggest fattest bastard you’ve ever seen that wants to pax with you when you’re out in the R300 bud :clap:

An over-indulgent Xmas period was it matey ? :wink:

Yes but we need someone with far more heft than me. We’ll make it into an R200,… it won’t take the sheen off honest :smiley:

I’d happily pax with you though Dave, that last session we had at Donny was one of my on track highlights of 2014. Still eclipsed by hooning with Ian around Anglesey though…

I wouldn’t worry if I were you. The cage on a Caterham could keep most large primates in captivity so I know I wouldn’t fit for sure
