Help me decide???

I never thought I would possibly want vinyl stripes on my S2 Exige… but after seeing the GT3 S2 Exige, I can’t stop thinking about having the same stripes done on my Black Exige.
The thing is I really, really like the complete black look of my car (like a mini batmobile ).
I also really like the look of the yellow and silver stripes on the new GT3 Exige.

Question 1:- Do vinyl stickers damage the paintwork if one day you take them off?

Question 2:- Do you think car with stripes look chavy and cheap?

Question 3:- Please vote…Should I have them done? YES or NO?

Help me decide please.

Question 1:- Do vinyl stickers damage the paintwork if one day you take them off?

I had stripes on my car for a couple of years, when they were taken off the paint work was fine.

Question 2:- Do you think car with stripes look chavy and cheap?

This is a personal thing, however I liked them, it also ment I was a bit eaiser for the wife to spot when I was on track, I had loads of pictures of Uldis’s car and not many of my own.

Question 3:- Please vote…Should I have them done? YES or NO?

Yes go for it, if you dont like them you can always remove them.

been thinking the same for awhile but put it on back burner. i love the look…cant wait for you to bring it to a meet!!!

Yes, go for it.
If you don’t like them, they can always be removed.

They look great as show above.

if it looks pants you can just whip em off?

Shouldnt cost too much

Never had any problems with vynals - that Exige does look awsome (didnt think id say that about an s2 ) and the stripes do complement it…

Problem is you’re going to need to get the speedlines, air scoop extension and rear wing for it to look good


I have to say that if you had just said that you were considering silver and yellow stripes on a black car, I would have thought you were mad - but seeing it is believing it - GO FOR IT

I have the same black s2 as you and have never liked stripes on a car, but that picture has changed my mind. the car looks amazing. would love to get that roof scoop as well, is it available as an aftermarket part?

. would love to get that roof scoop as well, is it available as an aftermarket part?

It is for an S1

I seriously tempted to get this done to mine.


I think I know the answer already but what are these stripes like on e:bay?


get some vinyl stripes and see how you like it… i think it looks cool, but then you’ll want the roof scoop, big wing and lowering afterwards