Help !! - Found an old chassis repair, does not look good.

I recently discovered that at some point earlier in its life my car have had a fair left front shunt.
Both the upper and lower front wishbone mounts must have been ripped out. No fun at all…

I don’t mind a repaired chassis, but the repair work in this case is just awful. Especially the upper mount needs to be redone properly.
Looks a bit worse in the pictures than in real life. It was not that easily spotted when covered in lots of sikaflex and with the inner wheelarch in place.
It has been in for the oil cooler hose recall but the dealer didn’t mention anything.

I would be very grateful for any contacts you might have to anyone who have experience in such re-repairs.

That’s not good at all!

It can be done but at what cost I’m unsure of. Think Essex Auto do it, or get someone in to re-weled new box sections in once it’s all stripped down and the full extent revealed (if it can be successfully repiared at all).

Me persoanlly, I’d be looking for an accident damaged car that had no chassis damage for as cheap as you can and use yours as a donor. Whatever is left over sell.

I just wouldn’t want that old chassis, repaired or not…

Good luck there, I think you’ll be into cutting big section away as Gav says

Talk/contact Junks on SELOC I believe he might know a man that might help.
I have read about similar repairs ,possibly on SELOC . Might be worth a search…good luck.
I think a French chap was selling a tub either on here or SELOC.

Yes. Ad on SELOC for S1 chassis “slight damage”. Believe it is in France.
Good luck

‘Bandit’ on here has just bought a new S1 chassis

Appears to be a S2 chassis?

Absolutely appalling attempt at a repair :open_mouth:

That looks a CAT C min - where did you purchase it from?

That chassis is in Holland
Chap called Marten

Yes it’s a S2 - Toyota.

For me there is no energy to be found digging into the past.
Knowing what I know now I would of course have done things differently, but there’s no reason to cry over spilt milk. (does that expression even exist in English?)

To re-chassis the car is an option being considered. It would 100% correct the issue, but what the cost would be is difficult to judge at this time.
The process for that is to order a new chassis from Lotus, cut out the VIN section from current chassis and send to Lotus, who then stamp the new chassis with the old VIN and send you the new chassis.

I have contacted Junks and will get in touch with Essex Auto, and Lotus about a new chassis.

Meanwhile I’ll continue the strip down. What’s the best way to remove the crash box? Manual says pneumatic knife - sounds dangerous.

Wow ! where did you get the car from ?

Looking at the picture the crashbox has already been removed and replaced once before as it hasn’t been bonded back on correctly! It should sit over the chassis front rail, not have a gap full of bond as it does.

Pretty sure a replacement chassis from Lotus comes with a crash box attached…

I’d leave the one you have alone for the minute it’s a pain in the arse of a job,wait and see which direction you’re going with the repair. You may find you don’t have to remove it all…

Datum’s work:



Looking at those Before and After pictures give me a little bit of hope, just a little bit.

It does look very good. Is anything special required to cure the glue? It’s odd that Lotus have never cone up with a repair scheme, maybe not, they cannot supply headlamps so why be able to repaur a chassis.

Just noticed that the last letter in the subject header has gone missing :laughing:

The datum pics are not that bad to start with tbh and they haven’t had the box sections replaced, they have just been bent back into shape.

If you look in the after picture you can still see the damage on the top of the box section that hasnst been able to be removed fully.

Biggest thing between the before and after shots is that one is clean, where as the other isn’t!

Do you think there be a general interest in the progress and solution to my little chassis “discovery”?


Share please :smiley:
