

New member. Some may know me from NYLOC. Currently in a 111R. Keep thinking about an Exige S. Thought it would be worth following some threads on here for info.



Welcome Rick.

Don’t just think about it, get on and do it! you’re a long time dead eh…

:wave: Hello.

Hi and welcome, what kind of S2 done trackday weapon or standard road car?

Welcome Rick

I’d like a 260 with all the right bits and usual mods already done if possible. Prices still seem to be quite high but i’m not in any rush to buy. I don’t mind something with a few miles on it as long as it’s been looked after properly.

I doubt the prices are going to fall, they have only firmed since the S2 stopped being made, with S1 now getting very expensive, I also doubt the prices will drop either