Hello sailor

It’s 008 :clap:


travels in high circles indeed. Cool.

And that’s a bit of ringer for Randy on the right lol

His hair could do with a comb. :wink:

He’s holding it in too, that poor jacket button may make a bid for freedom if he has to breath out :laughing:

I thought it was Randy too for a second…

So why were you amongst such fine decorated fellows Ian?

And where the hell did Mr Pesky find the snap?

He was the drinks waiter?


I thought he was passing round the gravy boat :laughing:

How the fook would you (we) know? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Here’s another bellend :wink:

Maybe Ian was auditioning for a new Birds Eye advert :wink:

Judging by the following, our IDG moves in some rather dodgy circles, the Esmeralda (see name on ship’s bell) apparently being part of the Chilean Navy.

Reports from Amnesty International, the US Senate and Chilean Truth and Reconciliation Commission[1] describe the ship as a kind of a floating jail and torture chamber for political prisoners of the Augusto Pinochet regime from 1973 to 1980. It is claimed that probably over a hundred persons were kept there at times and subjected to hideous treatment,[2] among them British priest Michael Woodward, who later died as a result of torture.[3]

Due to this dark part of its history, the international voyages of the Esmeralda are often highly controversial - especially at the time when Pinochet was still in power but even after the restoration of Chilean democracy. The ship’s arrival in various ports being accompanied by protests and demonstrations by local political groups and Chilean exiles. Such protest actions were recorded, among other places, at London, Amsterdam, Dartmouth,[4] Pearl Harbor,[5] Quebec,[6] Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia,[7] Wellington,[8] Pireus and Haifa,[9] as well as at Santiago in Chile itself.[10]

But I’m sure his motives were strictly honourable . . . and businesslike. Ooh, and maybe the Chilean red was too good to miss

Yes but has IDG driven a London bus to the south pole?

Now look here, this was investigative journalism of the highest order: type Esmeralda naval ship into Google
and the story is there for all to read!
My expenses claim will reflect the effort put in; it will include several large meals, lots of Chilean red, taxi fares, tips and disbursements to “sources”

…did you hear that voicemail I’d left for Ian :lolno:

Rumbled :astonished: