Hello from just north of Bristol

Thought I’d say a quick “hello”.

I’m looking to enter the S2 fold and have just posted the following in the wanted section http://www.exiges.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=20049.

Hopefully I’ll be in the club soon enough and be able to hook up with a couple of you guys in the FoD as that is just up the road and has some decent running routes to boot


You’ve come to the right place as often the real enthusiasts cars come up for sale here first.

:thumbup: great stuff Rob.

Welcome :slight_smile:

Cheers all :smiley:

Welcome along

Too early for details but might be be moving closer to a purchase…shhhh! :sunglasses:

Good stuff

Update required please.
Did you, or did you not, buy the most fun on four wheels in the £50K - £75K bracket (Ooops, did I just pay too much for my S2?) :laughing:

Almost…car identified, price agreed

My son and I are heading north on a SleazyJet flight Friday week to see it in the flesh and hopefully subsequently purchase a lovely example. The following day will be aong drive home to follow but a should be a great introduction to Lotus for young lad…day after his birthday to. :smiley:

So next question then. How much background checking of a car do you guys do when buying from a forum member with a solid reputation?

Start by telling us all who and which car!! Simples

The same amount of checking you’d do with any car in my opinion. At the end of the day if you don’t personally know the guy, better safe than sorry.

Just driven her back from Newcastle…not sure of Scott’s tag on here but he is now cash rich but car poor!

Proper quick aren’t they?