Hello from Essex

Just checking in to say hello! Should be picking up my S2 190 later today with a bit of luck :smiley:
Pete from North Essex.


Get some pics up when you get a chance and tell us more about the car and how you came to be an S2…

Hope you’ve had an exciting first day of ownership,…certainly interesting conditions!!

Only pic I’ve got so far,

Didn’t pick it up until late, drove home in the damp fog :astonished:
Need to do a few tings to it, headlining is sagging a bit, also noticed a bit of a squeak coming from somewhere possibly the rear suspension :confused:
Previously had an S1 Elise but always fancied an Exige, retired last week so thought I’d take the plunge!

S2 NA is there any other way :sunglasses:

As Ben says get a few pictures up and bring on the CAM :mrgreen:

Edit…(beat me to it ^^^)

Welcome…nice S2 sir.
Where in Essex are you?

I live just outside Clacton Rob.
999, emergency services?

Sure am sir, not been over to clacton for a few months.

I’ve just retired from the LFB :slight_smile:

Lucky man! I’m stationed at Harlow for my sins.

Hey buddy we are in south essex, be good to catch up locally when suns back out

That looks lovely. Enjoy.