Hello all!

Just a quick post to say hello.

Got my Exige S, last weekend. So great baptism of fire (well snow) for my first week of ownership!

Gone for the touring pack with TCS in magnetic blue. Have to say I am loving the car, though the one thing I didn’t pick up on the test drive was quite how many people were going to stare at me as I drive around. I’m getting self conscious now

Previous car was a Honda Chav-ic R (until some pikeys stole it a few months ago ) and all my other cars have been FWD too, so this is my first RWD car. Think I’ll need to book some driver training when the weather improves.

Anyway enough rambling for now, I’m sure I’ll have lots more Qs though.


Yup if this is your first RWD car then take it easy whilst you get your head around it. Training is highly recommended,…if you are in the South, most people have a blast around North Weald with Andrew Walsh, check out The Car Limits Website.

Congrats though, excellent choice

Welcome and enjoy it

take it easy in this weather there’s a lot of “diesel” on the roads