Heated screen?!

I have a fresh big new crack in my windscreen and I’ve been offered a heated screen at no extra cost (other than the wiring to plumb it in) as a replacement.

I know the wires are very slight but I’m not sure I want anything getting in the way of my view of the track. Am I mad?


Ooh…how much Ian ?

Would be nice to run one of these as it’d mean I could get rid of the heater matrix…

Go for it Ian - many of the LOT racecars use them, as they don’t have heaters!

�40 excess

I’m sure Max at Lakeside can provide further details.

Now can all avid trackies please tell me if this is just plain wrong or not, it’s not sitting comfortably with me?


No, you’re not mad

I’d say go for it…you soon become accustomed assuming its the same setup as fitted to most Fords these days. After a very short time you don’t notice the wires at all.

Go for it Ian - many of the LOT racecars use them, as they don’t have heaters!


Have you tried one Rob, did it bother you?



Not knowingly tried one in an Exige/Elise, but it wouldn’t concern me at all, cos I’m longsighted!!!

If I need to replace mine in future, I’m deffo getting a heated one.

PS Used to have them in the 3 Caterhams I’ve owned - no problemo

PPS Dave - speak with Junks or Geary

PS Used to have them in the 3 Caterhams I’ve owned - no problemo

You had a windscreen in a caterham - you big softie


are you are doing this through your insurance? I would be interested in hearing how you arranging this…I have read all the posts on people using the standard insurance companies only to have damaged clams, ill fitting bits, etc.

My insurance company have said that they’re happy for Lakeside (who know what they’re doing) to do the repair if I pay and then reclaim. I’m just getting the quote approved first.


Was there any pressure from them to go down their approved repair route? Who are you insured with?

You had a windscreen in a caterham - you big softie

Didn’t want to end up looking like you do!

Was there any pressure from them to go down their approved repair route? Who are you insured with?

No, I’m with Esteem/AON. I like them, Aaron gives good service (even called me this afternoon to apologise that he hadn’t been able to get the quote approved today as it had only been fax to him at 4), as have all the people I’ve delt with there previously. Good price too.



thanks for the answers - is there alrady something in the wiring loom for this or just a simple case of extra switch, relay and a bit of new wiring?

Nothing in the loom I’m aware of, they’re fitting the bits you mention.
