heat protection for hoses and alternator :)

Hi, sometime they really have good ideas @my garage. When my mainfold failed, they repaired not only the mainfold but installed two heat protection panels to protect the alternatoer



and this hose


good idea I guess?

Yep, any heat protection is better than nothing. My manifold melted the back of my alternator jamming it and causing the belt to shred. This in turn got sucked up into the cam belt, made them jump and damaged several valves. This lead to a Honda install.

So yes, they saved you alot of money LOL…

My manifold melted the back of my alternator jamming it and causing the belt to shred. This in turn got sucked up into the cam belt, made them jump and damaged several valves.

fcuk me sideways, this does not sound funny

My manifold melted the back of my alternator jamming it and causing the belt to shred. This in turn got sucked up into the cam belt, made them jump and damaged several valves.

fcuk me sideways, this does not sound funny

On the opposite side, my alternator just stopped working and had to be replaced. But any heat shielding is a good idea.